Sunday 15 March 2020

146 undertale - the burger clerk is excited to be free!

Dear Readers,

I went back to the hotel to see what everyone had to say there during the epilogue.

The receptionist said they weren't accepting guests right now, or ever again. The origami greeter said sorry as the place was closing down, but it would continue to be a great place to pass through! Indeed :)

The three guests seemed to be happy, especially as this elevator was working again! It was always busy though, so no one could use it. Shucks.

I had a chat with my friend the burger seller :) he doesn't have to be one anymore! I talked to him about freedom and he heard that they were all free, but Mettaton told him not to think that meant he was getting out of work early. Wow... Mettaton sucks.

I chatted with him about Bratty and Catty. He was worried that since they were free, did that mean his double-date was cancelled? He knew it wasn't a date but... then he advised me to lie to myself all the time to make myself feel better. Yikes...

I chatted with him about freedom again and he said he felt he played a hand in everyone getting free somehow, even if it was just working this awful job. He didn't know if it was true, but he was willing to believe it anyway. He did help, yes :)

I chatted with him about the future. He said there was a brand new world out there waiting for us. He said with his qualifications, it wouldn't be long before he was a famous movie star!... or maybe end up flipping burgers again. He said it was nowhere to go but up and that meant literally in this case!

Aw I wish him the best :) I hope he does get to be a famous movie star.

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