Friday 20 March 2020

151 undertale - temmie village and the secret of fluffybuns

Dear Readers,

I crossed from Hotland to Waterfall, chatting with the people there.

The grumpy puzzle guy said he didn't care about being free but then paused before asking if humans could appreciate the details of classic puzzles. Certainly :) though you may have to make a "classic puzzle club" or something.

I backtracked through where Undyne chased me and made my way to Temmie Village. They were all excited about the good news of freedom! Even Bob thought it was a pleasing development :) They were excited to see lots of cute humans! The hard boiled egg tending Temmie wanted to stay and be a family. The Temmie in the wall was waiting for someone to let her out. The shop Temmie had business as usual. Love the Temmies :)

The echo flowers didn't say anything different.

The turtle storekeeper laughed, saying he knew I could do it! He finally remembered why the king had the name Fluffybuns! One day, the queen was giving her part on current events at the castle. After she finished her update, she passed the microphone to the king. She didn't realise the microphone was still in her hands when she said "Your turn, Fluffybuns." Everyone laughed and she laughed too. After a few moments, the king held up his arms and the crowd grew silent. He leaned towards the microphone with a stern expression and said "Dear citizens. Thank you for coming here today. I... King Fluffybuns..." and then the rest was history.

I asked if Asgore was a goat. He said Toriel once wore a flower-patterned muu-muu. People kept saying "nice muu-muu" to her, but she kept thinking they were calling her a cow, so she never wore it again. Then he remembered my question and said Asgore was the strongest type of monster, called Boss Monsters. When they have a child, the soul power of the parents flow into them, causing the child to grow as the parents age. But since Asgore didn't have a child(?), he's stuck at the same age and probably will be forever. He said it wouldn't work if the child was a human, as Asgore would outlive me if he was my father.

I asked about Asgore and Toriel, the king and queen. He said it was tragic when she left, since everyone knew she was really the brains behind the throne, but it was also just a teensy, teensy bit relieving. He said those two were really insufferable together... nuzzling noses, being all cute and cuddly in public, embarrassing their children... they were so sweet that it was making him sick and he was glad those days were over! Children?

I asked about Undyne and he said she had come a really long way since she was a little urchin. He said he used to be a hero himself in the old days. He was Gerson, the Hammer of Justice. When Undyne was younger, she used to follow him around, to watch him beat up bad guys. Sometimes she would even try to help, though most of the time, the folks she attacked weren't bad guys. It would be the postman or someone like that. He appreciated it though.

Nice bit of lore there :)

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