Saturday 7 March 2020

138 undertale - my friends all believe in me!

Dear Readers,

Flowey stood before me, holding all my friends in his vines. They looked horribly uncomfortable. He said while we were having our little pow-wow, he took the human souls!

He said not only were they under his power, but all my friends' souls were gonna be his too! He said the best part was that it was all my fault! He said it was all because I made them love me! All the time I spent listening to them, encouraging them, caring about them... without that, they wouldn't have come here. He said that with their souls and the human souls together, he would achieve his REAL FORM!

I asked him why was he still doing this and he said didn't I get it? This was all just a GAME! If I left the underground satisfied, I would "win" the game and if I won, I wouldn't want to "play" with him anymore. What would he do then? He said this game between us would NEVER end! He said he was gonna hold victory in front of me, just within my reach... and tear it away from me just before I could grasp it... over, and over, and over...

He said if I DID defeat him, he would give me my "happy ending." and bring my friends back. He said he'd destroy the barrier and everyone would finally be satisfied. He said that won't happen though and that he'd keep me here no matter what!

He moved aside so I would appear in a tiny box. He surrounded me with those deadly pellets of his again. He said even if it meant killing me 1,000,000 times!

He pelted me with his bullets while laughing, getting my HP down to 1 and I couldn't do anything about it. Just before he was gonna hit me one last time though, some bullets appeared around me and neutralised his. He was like what?

Just then, Toriel told me not to be afraid. Dramatic and hopeful music started playing. She said no matter what happens, they would always be there to protect me!

More bullets went after me. Papyrus blocked them! He perked up too, telling me I could win! I just had to do what he did and that was to believe in me!

HP increased as more of them spoke to me :)

Undyne was next. She grinned and said if I got past her, I could do anything! She said not to worry and that they were all with me all the way!

Sans then perked up saying I hadn't beaten this guy yet? He said this weirdo had nothing on me!

More attacks came and were blocked.

Alphys perked up this time, saying it was technically impossible for me to beat him, but somehow, she believed I could do it!

Asgore then perked up! He said for the future of humans and monsters, I had to stay determined! Woo!

Loads of other monsters appeared as well, giving me loads of encouragement!

Flowey didn't look too happy. He looked defeated for a moment but then he grinned again, stopping the hopeful music...

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