Tuesday 3 March 2020

134 undertale - found all the true lab keys

Dear Readers,

With the mist now cleared after turning on the fans, I could now explore the room to the west more thoroughly.

The nineteenth entry was here. In it Alphys wrote that the families kept asking her when everyone was coming home. She didn't know what to say to them and wasn't answering the phone anymore.

There were some fridges in here.

The twentieth entry was here. In it Alphys wrote that Asgore left five messages for her. Four about everyone being angry and one about a cute teacup he found that looked like her. Sounds like him alright :) She then said "thanks asgore" haha :)

The fridge next to this one was moving!

The twenty-first entry was here. In it Alphys wrote that she spent all her time at the garbage dump now. She said it was her element.

I checked the rest of the fridges and the very last one turned into a big white shape with a smiley face! Then it turned into a big creature and attacked!

This Amalgamate was different from the last one. It just said it was so cold and the music was all distorted area music. It had two smiling faces on either side and that body in the middle looked like the pattern that was on the bird monster's head from earlier in the game, so the whole thing could've been like a distorted bird monster face.

It only talked about snow until I started telling jokes. Then she calmed down. I didn't even have to spare.

I took the blue key she left behind and put it on my keychain.

I checked the moving fridge again. Still wasn't doing anything else.

In the next room was a key slot and a note. The note only had the word "curtain" visible. Must've been talking about that shower curtain from earlier. I put the green key in the slot.

Then I went back to the room with the beds and headed east to put the blue key in the slot. That's all the keys!

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