Sunday 29 March 2020

160 undertale - chatting with the bunny innkeeper and shop owner

Dear Readers,

I checked out the Inn and shop of Snowdin one last time.

The bunny running the inn wasn't renting out rooms anymore as they were moving to the surface. Their kid didn't see the big deal of moving and didn't want to move.

I then went to the shop to chat with the bunny there. She talked about the strange flash of white light and feeling her body being pulled into something and then, suddenly, everything was back to normal.

She couldn't believe it was because a human walked through here. She said if she saw them, she'd give them a hero's welcome.

She also said the Ruins had opened back up! From the inside too! The queen opened everything back up :)

Her plan for the future was to move her store to the overworld. Good luck, detailed bunny lady with the beautiful prominent lower lip!

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