Saturday 21 March 2020

152 undertale - chatting with napstablook and mettaton

Dear Readers,

I visited the garbage dump and Napstablook while in Waterfall.

The washing machine monster was in the garbage dump. They said not to drag my feet in there as they just cleaned this trash.

Napstablook wasn't at the snail track at all. The snails were though. The big snail said I had reached the end of my extensive journey, saying what a trip it was and telling me to remember to stretch my muscles. The snail man said the housing market would probably crash now but home was where the heart was. Another tiny snail bought a hat with its money but I couldn't really see it. Probably because it was so tiny.

Napstablook was outside his house and Mettaton was here too! I told Napstablook Undyne said hi and he said to tell her something cool. He said he'd never forget when I cheered him on. When he was pretending to sleep, no one else had ever had so much faith in his fake sleep. He then felt awkward about asking this but asked what my name was, as everyone seemed to know it now except for him. It seemed he had been missing out lately. He was just sitting at home listening to tunes and there was a flash of light outside his window. He saw the snails on the farm disappear and heard a knock at the door. The flash of light wanted to come in and he closed the blinds. Now everyone knew my name except for him. He got it as Frisk and said he wouldn't forget it. I asked him again and he didn't forget because he cried the letters into his hand. Then the letters in his hand joined together and he worried about forgetting my name. He tried to cry more tears into his hand but the tears all formed a big pile and my name was getting really long. Oh no! Napstablook's awesome :) I don't know if they're a he or she, really.

I then spoke to Mettaton! He called me darling and told me to feast my eyes on his wonderful new body that Alphys made. He was all excited about the barrier being open and couldn't wait to see the sun, the greatest spotlight of all! He thanked me, saying before he met me, he had forgotten how fun it was to perform with others. Now he was searching for HOT TALENTS to fill up his upcoming troupe! So far, Shyren agreed to be his back-up singer and Napstablook was going to be his sound mixer. The three of them performing together felt overdue!

He then asked me if I could help him with something. He asked me what kind of merchandise I'd think humans would want to buy. He had a few ideas, them being buttons with his face, stickers with his face, CDs with his face, Posters with his face, T-shirts with his face, Underwear with his face... and plush dolls of Toriel... except with his face instead of hers. He asked me what I thought but a yes or no prompt was not provided, and the game said so! He said my supposed choice was fabulous and he completely agreed!

If I can make a suggestion, a Mettaton bookmark would be quite nice :)

He then asked me to go see how Alphys was doing as, since the flash of light, she had been working hard to set everything right. He then laughed, saying it was about time!

I went into his house as he was about to say Napstablook's nickname before correcting himself. I wanted to remember what it was and it was "Blooky" :)

Afterwards I chatted with the dummy outside Undyne's house. He acknowledged I managed to get them all free and said he really acted like a dummy to me :) Haha

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