Sunday 8 March 2020

139 undertale - asriel attacks!

Dear Readers,

Just as my friends were giving me words of encouragement, Flowey grinned a sly grin, calling everyone stupid!

He captured everyone and screamed that all their souls were his! There was lots of rumbling and the screen went white!

All of a sudden, there appeared someone in front of me with their back to me. They said finally, and that they were so tired of being a flower. They turned towards me and gave me a smile and a big Howdy! That voice, that likeness... it could only have been Asriel! He called my name, or my namesake, saying it was him, my best friend...

Suddenly he turned into Toriel with an evil expression and horns. The words ASRIEL DREEMUR appeared on screen. Battle began with the words "It's the end." and upbeat hopeful guitar music started playing. Asriel started floating around, leaving a rainbow trail. Loads of psychadelic effects like something out of 2001 started flitting around the screen too.

Asriel made an attack that was very reminiscent of Poo's PK Starstorm from EarthBound. This was called Star Blazing. He started charging "SHOCKER BREAKER".

I chose Hope. It reduced the damage I would take on this turn.

Asriel shook his head and shrugged, saying he didn't care about destroying this world anymore.

That Shocker Breaker move was very strong... Lots of lightning filling the screen and it was hard to avoid.

Asriel then called on "Chaos Saber."

I chose Dream. It said my inventory felt less empty.

Asriel said that after he was going to defeat me and gain total control over the timeline, he just wanted to reset everything. All my progress... everyone's memories... he was going to bring them back to zero! Then we could do everything all over again! He said the best part of it all was that I would do it! And I would lose to him again! This was starting to sound like the original Final Fantasy...

Chaos Saber was a dual sword move I had to avoid.

Chaos Buster then was a laser weapon I had to dance around and dodge, especially the full charge.

I lost all my HP, but my heart refused to break due to my determination! I was back to full health!

I tried attacking but kept missing. So I stuck with Hoping and Dreaming. The LastDream items were nice to use too and kept replenishing the more I kept Dreaming :)

Asriel then came out with Shocker Breaker II, an even stronger and faster version of that attack.

Galacta Blazing was a stronger version of Star Blazing.

Chaos Blaster was a more advanced version of Chaos Buster with added stars flying out.

Asriel said my determination would be my downfall!

Hyper Goner was when Asriel said enough messing around as it was time to purge this timeline once and for all! The whole screen went black and his laughing demonic head took up the centre. He sucked inwards and all these diamond shaped things flew past me towards him. I avoided the best I could and survived.

He said even after that attack, I was still standing in his way. He said I really was something special but told me not to get cocky. Up until now, he had only been using a fraction of his REAL power! He said to see what good my determination was against this next thing!

He expanded and the screen faded again... to his next form!

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