Sunday 1 March 2020

132 undertale - the fifth vhs tape and putting it all together

Dear Readers,

A voice told my namesake they wanted them to wake up. This was definitely Toriel's. Then Asgore spoke!

He said "You have to stay determined!", which is exactly what he says on the game over screen! He said they couldn't give up, they were the future of humans and monsters.

Asriel... I almost got him mixed up with Toriel's voice again. They're so similar. Asriel begged me to wake up, saying he didn't like this plan anymore. He then said he'd never doubt me and confirmed the number six. They had to get six of whatever it was. He confirmed that they'd do it together, despite him not liking the plan.

When I hear the number six I think of the human souls that Asgore has. When I think of the story of Asriel and the first human, I think of the flowers that they went out to pick after my namesake's soul got absorbed into Asriel's body.

So these VHS tapes were all recordings of the events that took place when Asriel was still alive. The big question I have now is from the third tape, where my namesake told Asriel to turn off the camera. It's related to the time Asgore got sick. Could it be that my namesake intentionally got sick to carry out that plan?

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