Wednesday 18 March 2020

149 undertale - chilling with friends in hotland

Dear Readers,

I left the hotel and mingled with the folks in Hotland.

The Nice Cream guy was excited about selling Nice Cream on the surface, saying if all humans were like me, it would be a modest success! Most of us like ice cream but he's gonna meet all kinds...

The rabbit and dragon guards heard from Undyne that the royal guard was being disbanded. They said they were gonna have to get used to Love and Peace but they seemed happy.

Heats Flamesman was still shocked that I remembered his name and asked if I wanted a rematch. I couldn't tell if he was being rhetorical.

To the south and beyond the puzzle, the little happy volcano creature was here and was looking forward to helping new friends on the surface world.

The lion guy I met near the stage was wearing a dress. He said Mettaton recognised his voice on the phone and gave him his dress. Aw... he seems so happy :)

Muffet said she finished tallying up all their donations. They finally raised enough to rescue all the spiders inside of the ruins. They were also now able to afford 4 pairs of stylish heels for every spider. Yay :)

The diamond head dudes near the puzzle talked about new skateboards and being able to watch new TV, but doubted it would be as good as Mettaton's TV show.

The guy who was shocked he bought such an expensive doughnut from Muffet resolved never to buy doughnuts from spiders on the surface.

Tsunderplane was on the path! She said she was thinking of going to the surface. She went "Eeeeeh?" when she heard I was going there too and told me to quit following her and that I was an idiot. Still a funny parody of a terrible archetype!

More next time.

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