Friday 31 December 2021

44 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - fetching horse mackerel

Dear Readers,

I started with more jobs from K&M, Laroque and Clayra.

K&M talked about the sea and wanted me to bring them horse mackerel from the fridge. There were a few fish in there and I had to look it up. I picked the one with the fins on its back and underside and the little marking behind its... gills? Anyway the chefs were pleased.

Laroque asked me if I was doing swimmingly and I said I was. I wonder if there's a right answer here. He wanted help with the smoglings again. I beat them with 38 seconds to spare. I got a silver trophy too.

Clayra's Chibi-tots hid again and I got the first two rounds correct but not the last one, where everyone but two were wearing bow ties and threw me off.

I had enough points to buy a Wii U Game Pad Silhouette Film and unlocked another page.

No. 29 was a tall box with a letter opening

No.30 was an inverted triangle

No.31 was a tall rectangle

No.32 was an airplane, presumably a model one. Can't imagine anyone trying to get just the right photograph of a plane.

Thursday 30 December 2021

43 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - shooting down the ufo

Dear Readers,

I took on Drake's job again. I was never unsuccessful at it but I never got the UFO. I aimed to do that as my main priority this time.

When the UFO appeared it hovered across the screen and I put all my focus on it. Drake appeared and said I unlocked the secret level. This was another mixture of balloons, clay targets and UFOs to shoot. I got on pretty well with a very good score! I didn't earn any extra trophies though. Maybe it'll unlock another job from Drake further down the road.

I bought a GameCube Silhouette Film when I got back to the office as I had enough happy points.

Wednesday 29 December 2021

42 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - success with ratatouille

Dear Readers,

I took another go at some of the jobs I failed at last time I tried them.

K&M's ratatouille recipe I tried again and this time I used the skinnier pepper along with the aubergine and tomato. They were delighted! They said chilled ratatouille was ideal for the hot days and was best when made with fresh seasonal vegetables. They said it was a good way to get your vegetables in the summertime. I'll take note of that! :)

It might be fun to try something like ratatouille sometime... It's in popular culture thanks to the movie and I have been curious of it since I watched it. I guess it's more ideal in the summer. I'll look into it!

Tuesday 28 December 2021

41 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - taking a picture of the drink cup with help from a friend

Dear Readers,

I took a picture of the fast food drink cup! It was when I put my 3DS in sleep mode and went on a trip to town to meet a friend of mine. He helped me take the picture.

It wasn't easy to take the picture because it was so dark in the fast food place, too dark for the 3DS camera to recognise anything anyway.

We found a place under some bright lights indoors to take the picture so he helped by holding the drink cup in the air and I finally got my NostalJunk after a few tries. Hooray!

Monday 27 December 2021

40 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - spotpass competition end notice from 2014

Dear Readers,

I put the 3DS in sleep mode for the first time since I started playing this game and I got a notice on the Chibi-PC.

The title of the notice was "Notification of Closure (all contests)", informing me that all contests for NostalJunk entries have finished as of 08/12/2014. Not sure if that's the American date format or the European one.

I have no recollection of there ever being a competition for these things. Maybe I did when the game released and saw that it didn't have any bearing on a complete game experience when I was sizing it up. If it was required for the game I wouldn't have bought it at all. I'll be fine without it and I'm glad about that.

Still, it's a thing with online gaming and DLC I dispprove of and shake my fist at it.

Sunday 26 December 2021

39 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - not a good day at work

Dear Readers,

A few days have passed, so some jobs came in again. All from K&M, J Bear, Clayra, and SGX.

K&M talked about the beaches in Nice and asked for ingredients to make ratatouille. I got a tomato and an aubergine, but the pepper I got was wrong. There were two different kinds of red peppers and I got the big bulky one, so I guess that was wrong. They were all sad.

Joshy Bear had the same mission and goal for me, to get 80% of the place clean. I pushed it too far and collapsed. Yeesh.

Clayra's Chibi-tots had the same hide and seek challenge for me. I got two of the attempts correct. 

SGX had the measuring test again and once again I was bad at it, only passing one of the attempts.

Not a good day for work! Oh well!

Saturday 25 December 2021

38 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - drake looks for an evildoer in peaceful times

Dear Readers,

I went back on my freelance cleaning jobs. At the desk, Drake said he couldn't find any evildoers. He did see the smoglings, but noted they were scattered and disorganised. He said the world was at peace, but that was the problem. He asked me if he should go to Outer Space in order to seek evil. I said yes and he agreed sadly but started to make preparations. I hope he'll come back... it will be sad to see him leave.

I found one of Joshy Bear's dancers stuck to the back of the desk clock! Was he here last time I was here? Sneaky!

At the garage, the robot gave me another quiz. He asked for the name of the villain who first appeared in episode 3. I said it was Zader 8 and guessed correctly! Yay!

This time, the Chibi-tot was inside the precarious pipe bridge, looking as carefree as ever. Yeeks. I was still able to chat to it though.

Friday 24 December 2021

37 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - why is the distance test so freaking hard

Dear Readers,

I started the game with more jobs in my job mail. Maybe they replenish after every day?

I had jobs from K&M, Clayra, SGX and Laroque.

K&M talked about the sea and then asked me to fetch some salmon. I saw some other fish in the fridge but straight away noticed the familiar pinkness of salmon. I brought it to them and they were delighted.

Madame Clayra's Chibi-tots wanted to try a new game so I obliged. The new game was the same as the old one but now I had another bow-tied Chibi-tot to find. I had to make two guesses per round. I got the first level completely wrong but I got the other two completely correct. I earned a silver trophy! Woo!

I bought the Game Boy Silhouette (No.25) when I got back to the office.

SGX had another distance test for me. I got the first one wrong, the second one right barely, and failed the third one as well. Still, I got points and SGX was positive. This is a hard job though.

Laroque wanted more help with the smoglings invading his garden. He tried to swat them with his own paws but he was too stiff and slow for them. It was the same dig, trap and whack job from last time. I did very well here and completed it with 29 seconds left and over 30 Watts remaining. Woo! Got a bronze trophy too.

Thursday 23 December 2021

36 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - exploring the secluded garden

Dear Readers,

I decided to explore the new area, the Secluded Garden.

I wandered around, scaring a butterfly and picking up sticks. I found one of Joshy Bear's dancers in a bucket.

Drake was surprised to meet me here on on patrol! He asked me if I wanted to take part in his quiz and I agreed to. He asked me if justice was "seigi" in Japanese! Wow! That must've been a unique localisation task. I looked it up and said yes. Then he asked if the opposite of Justice was Evil. I said yes. Then he asked if everyone had a sense of justice. I said yes. He gave me my result which was a fail! I had another chance so I said no to the last two answers. Fail again! He wouldn't let me take the quiz again sadly. I wonder which is yes and which is no...

I explored the garden more and picked up acorns and more sticks. It was true to its name alright as it was very secluded. It wasn't even proper outdoors. It was like a lean-to glasshouse. Some pots and other things kind of thrown around the place too.

I found 2 batteries here, though I don't now what I'll use them for.

Then there was that pot that turned out to be a tunnel to a way to climb to an upper area. Nice bit of exploring here, though I didn't see much else to do. Nothing that made me need two extra batteries anyway.

I revisited the garden until I met Laroque again. He wasn't in the fountain, he was just sitting in the garden enjoying the place. He asked me to count the dandelions and I found 6, telling him the number. He was happy. He also said he loved when it rained as it cleans him but didn't like when the ground got soggy.

It is a lovely little garden. It looks like the owner has the good sense to not caretake it to death. It doesn't look like it rains in here so I'm not sure what Laroque is talking about.

Wednesday 22 December 2021

35 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - a recipe for madame clayra

Dear Readers,

With the jobs done and new Silhouettes bought, I needed more Happy Points, so I wandered for more work to do, including the new garden area.

At the desk, I found a NostalDud, so I picked it up. Drake also asked me about having a nemesis again, so this time I said yes when he asked if he should find himself an adversary. I don't know if it's a good idea that he ends up tilting at windmills, but maybe something will unlock. Maybe he can help me with those smoglings in the garden. I found another NostalDud stuck to a wall.

At the garage I found another NostalDud under some dust.

I then printed Silhouette No.24. This unlocked a seventh page of Silhouettes:

No.25, a Game Boy

No.26, a GBA SP, which I already have from stamps(I think)

No.27, a GameCube

No.28, a Wii U Game Pad

It'll be fun taking pictures of these!

At the kitchen, I told K&M about Clayra's errand for a cake for a sweetheart. The mustard one said something about refusing to give up the ketchup one before they got on topic and said they needed to put their heads together on this one. I don't know who's whose sweetheart here, apart from the mustard one's jealous dedication.

I cleaned for a bit and asked them again. They came up with a choice for me and I chose Love Love Peach Cake. They gave me a chalkboard with writing on it for Madame Clayra.

I filled a stamp card and sent it away. I now had a choice so I asked for a surprise instead of a specific one.

I went back to the kitchen and K&M were still there instead of Clayra.

I then got a delivery and it was No.29, some kind of tall box with a slot near the bottom? Some kind of upside-down postbox?

I went back to the kitchen and Clayra was finally there. She was delighted with the recipe and gave me 5 Happy Points. Woo!

Lots going on. I'll talk about exploring the garden in the next post.

Tuesday 21 December 2021

34 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - finishing longer tasks with the extra battery

Dear Readers,

There were some jobs from K&M, J Bear and Drake, so I took them on. Should do better now with my extended battery.

K&M shared an amusing memory of their trip to Italy and asked me to fetch three ingredients for Bolognese Sauce. They didn't tell me what they were though. I fetched ground beef, an onion and a tomato and they were delighted! For getting the fifth thing from them correct I got a bronze trophy. Yay!

Joshy Bear gave me the same job and I was able to reach 80% cleanliness this time thanks to the new battery. I got 86% with 10 Watts remaining.

Drake gave me the same job and I was just as able to take it on. I didn't destroy the UFO so maybe I'll prioritise that next time.

I had enough Happy Points to buy No.21, 22 and 23, so that's what I did. I didn't take any pictures though.

Monday 20 December 2021

33 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - telly disappears!

Dear Readers,

When I got back to the Curator's Office after Laroque's job, Telly was nowhere to be seen and mysterious music played.

I found Telly on the shelf next to the printer, laying motionless. I found his chip on top of the printer. I set him up and he was awake again. He thanked me but had absolutely no explanation as to what happened.

What's going on?

Sunday 19 December 2021

32 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - fighting smoglings for laroque

Dear Readers,

I got a new job from a new character in a new area! I went there with my new battery! Let's go!

I went to an area called the Secluded Garden. A character named Laroque, a lion head shaped water fountain was being harassed by these small round black things with what looked a bit like Guy Fawkes masks. They sprayed his favourite flower with soot-like dust and destroyed it. He burst from the wall, revealing his stone lion body and went after them. However, he could only move slightly before collapsing in front of the fountain.

When I arrived he was sitting in the water and he welcomed me. He called those black things Smoglings and asked me to remove them from his garden. I had to do a search but I do recall them from Chibi-Robo Park Patrol. I didn't finish that game because of the over-reliance on the touch screen. Maybe I'll go back to it someday.

Laroque asked me to dig a hole to drop the smoglings in, as using my Chibi-Blaster may harm his flowers. Drop them in, then give them a whack. I ran around an area, digging holes, letting them fall in and giving them a whack with the Chibi-Spoon when they fell in. I had 10 seconds remaining and less than 10 Watts remaining when I got them all!

Laroque was happy. He gave me some Happy Points and resumed his peaceful water fountaining.

Saturday 18 December 2021

31 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - face on my egg

Dear Readers,

I used egg-shaped Silhouette Film to take a picture of an egg. The egg grew eyes and a tongue and munched on my head for a while! I jumped out of its mouth and took it back to the future as it growled and gave out to me.

Telly said to throw it into the exhibition transporter thingy quickly as it was getting rowdy. I'm glad how it turned out and it had a score of 78%. It is funny how sometimes these things grow a face.

Friday 17 December 2021

30 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - visiting the second exhibit room now filled

Dear Readers,

Mr Curator was showing us the magazine in which he and the gallery were featured. He said he never even heard of this magazine before and Telly told him it was a popular sub-culture magazine.

Telly wasn't too impressed with the photographs in the magazine as it looked like they didn't photograph Mr Curator completely, focusing mostly on the exhibits. Mr Curator was worried he'd become famous and lose his right to a private life. He laughed off the notion and Telly even added he'd still be able to walk down the street without being mobbed.

I visited the now filled exhibition room 2 and found Mr Curator reminiscing there. He talked about how he was hooked on NostalJunk from the start as a boy but few took it seriously back then. With the technology now, there are new possibilities. He was fulfilling his dream and commended me on my work helping him.

I looked at the exhibits. Mr Curator had commentary on each of them of course. With the toilet paper he wondered if there were different craftsmen for each one, even though they all looked the same.

The Pac-Man mug he said was a well-loved souvenir throughout the ages, even today. Good to hear mugs are still popular in the future and again I hope toilet paper still is. The mug had a stamp on it.

The rolling pin was brown like the shelf it was on, but the rolling pin I photographed was actually grey. I won't complain about it though. I do not want to retake that picture. Mr Curator said machines did the work of rolling pins now.

The t-shirt looked horrendous, like it was a t-shirt of a t-shirt. Not taking it again though. Mr. Curator talked about how people used it to express themselves with humour or with something quite bold.

The GBA SP had extra details filled in from my drawing, including the different markings and ports. Note the lack of headphone socket. The backlit version wasn't even released here. I always disliked these things about the SP and never bought one. Mr. Curator said pockets must've been quite small indeed, which gives me hope that pockets in the future are bigger.

I took the helicopter to the new exhibit and then back to the office. By the way, isn't it weird how I warp to some places and fly by helicopter to others? I think it's weird.

Back at the office, Telly and Mr. Curator congratulated me for achieving over 3,000 visitors. Mr. Curator gifted me with a bigger battery! Yes! At last! Now I can have up to 100 Watts!

The gallery's total visitor count is 5,244, which is nice! I also got new jobs, including one from a new person involving gardening. Maybe a new area? We'll see next time.

Thursday 16 December 2021

29 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - taking photos of toilet paper, glove, shopping bag, pac-man mug, slipper, rolling pin, t-shirt and game boy advance sp

Dear Readers,

I had a lot of Silhouette Film at this point, so I decided to photograph as much as I could identify.

I picked No.05 and took a picture of a roll of toilet paper. It said it was paper roll so I was on the right track! When I transported to the past I came out of the centre of it before taking it back. I hope there is toilet paper in the future...

I picked No.12 and found a glove to photograph. When I warped to the past I appeared underneath the glove, as if I was slapped down by it. When I took it back however, it appeared as a jigsaw piece and faded away. Mr. Curator said it failed and in this case it was a NostalDud. Funny. I then noticed that it used up the film and I'd have to buy another one! Happy Points down the drain! Funny but also cruel!

I picked No.15 and found a Penney's bag I had lying around. When I went back to the past I came out of the bag. Unfortunately this also turned out to be a dud!

Then I picked No.16, using my Pac-Man mug this time. I got it 100% perfect and it wasn't a dud! Yay! I went back to the past and appeared underneath it. I flipped it out before taking it back. I felt like telling myself to be careful.

Then I picked No.18, using my own slipper. I folded it down to make it look more like the silhouette and got 80%, but it came back as a dud as well sadly. I appear inside the slipper when I go to the past.

Then I picked No.20, the rolling pin. I got 73% and appeared underneath it and it came out as an actual rolling pin, though it didn't look the same. Hard to know what's correct.

I picked No.08, the t-shirt. This was incredibly frustrating as my t-shirts are bigger than what the silhouette asks for. I ended up having to fold it in so many ways and caught some of the room in the frame. It looked terrible but I got 83% and it wasn't a dud according to the game. I didn't argue, I shoved it into the exhibit and got it over with.

I then used the GBA SP one, taking pictures of the handheld on Google images because I don't have one. None of them worked so I ended up drawing the silhouette out in MS Paint, which itself was frustrating but I got it 98% and non-dud. It went into the exhibit. I never liked the GBA SP apart from the flip lid thing.

With that last photo, I filled the second exhibit room and Mr. Curator came into the room all excited and holding a magazine where he and the gallery were featured. Hooray!

Wednesday 15 December 2021

28 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - winning bronze in hide and seek

Dear Readers,

There were job listings from K&M, SGX and Clayra, so I took them on.

K&M spoke of the director's cut of a film and its significance, praising each other's culturedness. They asked me to fetch a cut lemon from the fridge which was another very easy task! I'm beginning to wonder why they gave me the harder ones first.

K&M's reactions are a little weird when I bring them the thing they want. There's this purple swirly thing in the background that feels like it implies they're horrified but they react that way no matter what. I got them their cut lemon and they were pleased.

SGX wanted to do another distance test. Ugh... I got the first two attempts correct so I was quite pleased! The third one was a big long distance and I didn't manage to do so well there. Still, glad I passed.

Clayra had the same hide and seek job for me again. This time I was better prepared to complete all the rounds, including the one where the odd one out was the one without a bow tie.

When I finished, the Chibi-tots told me something they overheard from Clayra. She said "ooh, he's so wishy-washy! Must I make the first move?' Well, that's what she says... and a couple of other things I didn't note or could make sense of straight away.

I went back to the office and bought Silhouette No.19, the pique cap and No.20, the rolling pin. I found out that even though I already had the rolling pin printed from the stamps, I had to buy it from the catalogue anyway to unlock the new page, which is kind of flawed, but I guess the stamps win me another chance of taking a good photo.

The new page of Silhouettes were mostly boxy kind of shapes but I couldn't tell what they were exactly. There was also the eye shape I got from stamps earlier, but of course, I'll have to buy that again. Oh well.

Tuesday 14 December 2021

27 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - napping bear and alien in the microwave

Dear Readers,

I went back to the desk to do more free-roam cleaning.

The robot asked me another trivia question, the title of episode eleven of Geotron X. I said it was The Demise of Zader 8 and it was correct! Yay! I'm back winning!

I returned to losing when I ran out of battery before I could pick up the battery, so all that was for naught. Oh well.

I went back and cleaned the whole place up.

Then I went to the garage. No one was here but I found Joshy Bear sleeping in the drawers of the toolbox. He said he was on downtime without his backup dancers. Lots to vacuum here so I did that before going back to the office.

I filled a stamp card again so I sent that off.

Then I headed for the kitchen. I found Miss Clayra in the microwave slowly turning around! She was okay though. She asked me to ask K&M for a cake recipe for your sweetheart. I also found one of J Bear's backup dancers near the battery. Quite a bit going on! On top of that, the bin gave me an extra two stamps! She said a nice stamp for a nice robot. How kind!

I returned to the office and a package came in. It had Silhouette No.26, which looked like a Game Boy Advance SP opened up. It was also green tinted unlike the other pieces of film. I bought Silhouette No.18, the slipper.

Monday 13 December 2021

26 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - choosing manly food and shooting ufo

Dear Readers,

I had more jobs from K&M and Drake, so I took them on.

First was K&M. They talked about manliness and how it was pathetic if a man saw a pretty girl he didn't speak to and how a man should be daring enough to express his feelings. Very interesting piece of advice!

They brought the conversation back to food by saying men liked to eat meat, so this time they wanted me to fetch chicken from the fridge. This was much more straightforward than the one about the English Breakfast! There wasn't even an access to the upper shelf or a basket! The chicken was right there in front of me too! There was other stuff like the beef steak and what looked like Wagyu beef steak. I would've much preferred those myself but they wanted chicken so I got them chicken. They were very pleased.

I went back to the office and took on Drake's job, another blaster mission. It was pretty much the same as last time. I got a score over 60 and there was a UFO near the end. I shot it but it didn't count as I had to shoot it a few times. I was low on battery though.

I now had enough Happy Points for the Ping Pong bat Silhouette so I bought that.

Sunday 12 December 2021

25 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - hide and seek with miss clayra's chibi-tots

Dear Readers,

The next new job in the list was from another new character named Miss Clayra. She taught at the Chibi-tot Kindergarten at the Sunny Kitchen and the job was simply to visit and play.

Miss Clayra was also a bus driver. She drove this strange flying schoolbus full of Chibi-tots and she was like some kind of pink slug alien thing who dressed well with matching clothes and hat. She landed in the kitchen and parked her schoolbus on a shelf overlooking the kitchen. I warped in beside her as she was unloading the Chibi-tots. She was delighted I was here to play with them. She didn't say it too loudly but she wanted a bit of peace.

The Chibi-tots wanted to play hide and seek of course! Every Chibi-tot I've met so far loved hiding in places for me to find them and these ones were no different.

The music that played here was really nice! It was kind of like jazzy music you'd see in an old Peanuts cartoon.

One of the Chibi-tots had a bow tie and seemed to be the leader. He said they were going to hide behind food and I had to guess where he was hiding.

They rushed between three fruits and I had to guess where the bow-tied one was hiding. I got the first two rounds right but not the third one, where everyone else had a bow-tie that time. I wasn't quite prepared for that.

I passed the job at least. The bow-tied Chibi-tot asked me how it felt being an average robot and I gave an "X" gesture. He wasn't impressed.

I returned to the office and bought Silhouette No.16, a coffee mug. This unlocked a new page of Silhouettes.

No.17, a ping pong paddle

No.18, a slipper without a back

No.19, a pique cap

No.20, the rolling pin I already obtained from stamps

I wonder if I only need to buy the first three to unlock a new Silhouette page after this? We'll see.

Saturday 11 December 2021

24 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - cleaning for joshy bear, a very nice bear

Dear Readers,

I took a look at the museum's new visitor counter and it said we had 2,653 visitors! Telly advised me to look for more NostalJunk as it was all about the novelty value.

Some new Job Mails came in from new characters as well as ones I knew already. The news ones were from J Bear and Clayra. I chose the Joshy Bear one and this was about cleaning the Latenight Garage with the Vacuum Cleaner and Toothbrush.

Joshy Bear put on a big song and dance routine when I arrived. He was a bear shaped sponge and scrubber and he needed some help from a "cleaning genius" like me. Nice bit of charm he's turning on. He asked me of I was wondering why a star like him would need a cleaner and I said no. He thanked me and said he was still starting out his showbiz career. He asked me to pick up rubbish, vacuum and use a new tool, a toothbrush for cleaning stains. He said to aim to get the room 80% clean, but not to sweat it if I was running low on battery and to bring the dust bag to him for emptying.

He went cleaning as well by doing a kind of break dance and scrubbing in just one place. There was groovy music playing and it was quite fun being around him. He was a very easy-going client to work for. It was funny the way he changed the dust bag. He just threw my one away and puke/printed another one out his mouth.

Unfortunately, I was only able to get 46% of the room cleaned before I had to quit from low battery, but he was nice about it.

A groovy tune played when using the toothbrush, as if to convey there was some kind of joy in cleaning. 

Friday 10 December 2021

23 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - taking a photo of pot noodle beef & tomato flavour

Dear Readers,

It's been a while but I took another photograph, using Silhouette No.14, the Instant noodles. I used a Pot Noodle, Beef & Tomato flavour for it.

When I took the picture, the flap opened and revealed lots of colourful bits of food inside. Pot Noodle doesn't quite have that much, but it's still delicious!

I now had 5 exhibits, so Telly told me a new exhibit was opened by Mr. Curator! He arrived and was delighted with our hard work, which inspired him to expand to the new exhibit. He did a fist bump thing with Telly, but he was so but he used his finger. He announced the museum was open for visitors and revealed a visitor counter on the wall!

I decided to visit the exhibit and I found Mr. Curator there. He was sad with the low number of visitors, even though it just opened. He was worried people would forget about the NostalJunk. Then he said he was only joking, saying he wasn't worried at all since we had so much on display already.

I looked at the Pot Noodle in the exhibit and the narrator said it was a seafood flavour, which was kind of funny. I also found a stamp on the lid when I rotated it.

I examined the other displays for stamps and the disc had one. After that I looked at the new empty exhibit room before returning to the curator's office.

Thursday 9 December 2021

22 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - there is no pleasing the fussy mustard bottle

Dear Readers,

I bought No.15, the shopping bag and got back to cleaning.

I had another chance to answer K&M's question about going somewhere on holiday. I chose the only remaining answer, hoping it wouldn't upset the mustard one this time. I chose the one about the aurora. Unfortunately, this one upset him too. It's a pity his character ended up being a bottle of mustard...

Wednesday 8 December 2021

21 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - everywhere seems to get dirtier now

Dear Readers,

Back to cleaning. I talked to Drake and he said people have been responding to him better since he took my advice about kindness and everything. He was happy.

The robot gave me another trivia question. This time it was who or what got slimed by a jelly monster in episode five. I said it was Professor Boffin's luxury car as that seemed different from the others. This was the first time I got it wrong! He told me to try again but I didn't have any more trivia chances on this trip. Next time.

I got to more cleaning and I was now reaching 100% capacity in the dust bag regularly. It's no achievement anymore. I also ran out of battery just a tiny bit away from the socket when I got back, but thankfully none of my progress was gone since I already warped back.

Tuesday 7 December 2021

20 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - succeeding in the jobs finally

Dear Readers,

I had another chance to fetch ingredients for a Full English Breakfast and it was third time lucky as I brought the correct ones!

The full bacon, the egg and the sausages were what was needed. They were delighted and gave me enough Happy Points for me to buy more Silhouette Film. I bought No.13, the egg.

I also had another shot at the distance test job from the robot. I actually passed this time but just barely! I got the first measurement, missed the second one completely, and barely scraped a pass on the third. I got Happy Points but not enough to buy more film, so I went to work again at the desk.

I answered more of the robot's trivia. I said "Billy Wilson" to his question and got it correct. I had a lot to clean in this area and earned enough to buy No.14, the noodle cup.

Monday 6 December 2021

19 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - more cleaning at the desk

Dear Readers,

I went back to the desk and talked to Drake. He asked me if it seemed like he considered my point of view. I said yes and he was again inspired, calling me a gentleman and said he was inspired by my example.

I pressed the camera button a few times and more pictures started appearing! One was of Drake and another was of a UFO. Interesting. Not sure what to do with them though.

On another trip, the robot asked me more trivia, this time being the title of episode 8 of Geotron X. I said it was A Sinister Trap and it was correct! That was obvious but it was fun.

I filled another stamp card and got a rolllin pin shaped Silhouette, No.20.

I also let enough dust build up that I hoovered to max out the bag's capacity! The bin was finally satisfied but didn't seem to give any extra rewards.  11 Happy Points was good though.

I had enough to buy the hand Silhouette (No.12) and unlock a new page of Silhouettes.

The new ones were:

No.13 an Egg

No.14 Cup Noodle container

No.15 Shopping Bag

No.16 Cup

All nice recognisable shapes this time!

Sunday 5 December 2021

18 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - sometimes stamps are on trash

Dear Readers,

I went back to the garage and took the robot's quiz again. This time he asked for the title of episode fifteen of Geotron X. I said it was ZaderWorld and it was correct! Wondering now if I'm just lucky or are all the answers correct no matter what I choose?

Lots of dirt to clean up here too. Many many pieces of litter. One even had a stamp on it, which was nice!

There was so much dust the bag reached 99% capacity! Not sure how, but that was nice. The bin still wasn't satisfied though.

Saturday 4 December 2021

17 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - offending mostardin again

Dear Readers,

K&M asked again for suggestions on their trip. I offended Mostardin again by suggesting the Thousand Islands. When he apologised later I tried giving the "X" sign to see if he reacted differently and he didn't.

The kitchen was noticeably dirtier. I even had 96% of the dustbag full. The bin still asked for more though.

I was able to buy another Silhouette so I bought No.11, the rounded rectangle.

I made a few more trips to the kitchen until it was clean. Then I tried another area again.

Friday 3 December 2021

16 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - messing up the english breakfast again

Dear Readers,

Some jobs popped up so I took them on.

First was from K&M. I tried the Full English breakfast one again and I got it wrong again when I brought back sausages, bacon and a half orange. They gave a clue this time though and said it was eggs, sausages and full cut bacon, only with some letters in those words missing to keep me guessing.

The job went missing from the list. I'll have to wait until it comes back later I suppose.

I took on Drake's Justice Training job. It was another shooting one but more challenging, called Technical Mode.

This time the balloons broke into smaller balloons and there was another round where balloons and clay targets were both involved. I matched the quota of 55 just barely but I got it! Lots of Happy Points as reward too!

I bought Silhouette No.10, the strange rectangular shape with the top corners cut off.

Thursday 2 December 2021

15 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - the battery high above the kitchen

Dear Readers,

I tried taking a picture of the t-shirt silhouette, but I couldn't get the angle right as my t-shirts are so big. I'll try again later.

I went to the Sunny Kitchen to see how the area changes on different trips there. I hoovered which took most of the battery, but I saved up for the carton silhouette (No.09)

I chatted with the K&M chefs and they were discussing taking a trip. They asked for a suggestion and I chose some Worcestershire place. The mustard one got offended. Later on, he apologised and I accepted. They talked about going to New York.

I found the battery in this area by climbing up the hanging utensils and reaching a far corner high up above the kitchen. Chibi-Tot hides here too sometimes. Not much else to it though.

Some more jobs popped up so I tried those out.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

14 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - filling up the stamp card

Dear Readers,

I went to the garage again and again had very little to do besides get the stamp and the Chibi-Tot. The stamp was on the top shelf again and the Chibi-Tot was near the battery.

When I got back to recharge, the prize film from filling my stamp card before the last trip arrived! I opened it up and it was in the shape of an eye. Interesting. I wondered if it wanted to take a picture of my eye but the camera still faced outwards so probably not. Why would an eye be NostalJunk anyway? Haha.