Sunday 19 December 2021

32 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - fighting smoglings for laroque

Dear Readers,

I got a new job from a new character in a new area! I went there with my new battery! Let's go!

I went to an area called the Secluded Garden. A character named Laroque, a lion head shaped water fountain was being harassed by these small round black things with what looked a bit like Guy Fawkes masks. They sprayed his favourite flower with soot-like dust and destroyed it. He burst from the wall, revealing his stone lion body and went after them. However, he could only move slightly before collapsing in front of the fountain.

When I arrived he was sitting in the water and he welcomed me. He called those black things Smoglings and asked me to remove them from his garden. I had to do a search but I do recall them from Chibi-Robo Park Patrol. I didn't finish that game because of the over-reliance on the touch screen. Maybe I'll go back to it someday.

Laroque asked me to dig a hole to drop the smoglings in, as using my Chibi-Blaster may harm his flowers. Drop them in, then give them a whack. I ran around an area, digging holes, letting them fall in and giving them a whack with the Chibi-Spoon when they fell in. I had 10 seconds remaining and less than 10 Watts remaining when I got them all!

Laroque was happy. He gave me some Happy Points and resumed his peaceful water fountaining.

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