Friday 3 December 2021

16 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - messing up the english breakfast again

Dear Readers,

Some jobs popped up so I took them on.

First was from K&M. I tried the Full English breakfast one again and I got it wrong again when I brought back sausages, bacon and a half orange. They gave a clue this time though and said it was eggs, sausages and full cut bacon, only with some letters in those words missing to keep me guessing.

The job went missing from the list. I'll have to wait until it comes back later I suppose.

I took on Drake's Justice Training job. It was another shooting one but more challenging, called Technical Mode.

This time the balloons broke into smaller balloons and there was another round where balloons and clay targets were both involved. I matched the quota of 55 just barely but I got it! Lots of Happy Points as reward too!

I bought Silhouette No.10, the strange rectangular shape with the top corners cut off.

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