Wednesday 22 December 2021

35 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - a recipe for madame clayra

Dear Readers,

With the jobs done and new Silhouettes bought, I needed more Happy Points, so I wandered for more work to do, including the new garden area.

At the desk, I found a NostalDud, so I picked it up. Drake also asked me about having a nemesis again, so this time I said yes when he asked if he should find himself an adversary. I don't know if it's a good idea that he ends up tilting at windmills, but maybe something will unlock. Maybe he can help me with those smoglings in the garden. I found another NostalDud stuck to a wall.

At the garage I found another NostalDud under some dust.

I then printed Silhouette No.24. This unlocked a seventh page of Silhouettes:

No.25, a Game Boy

No.26, a GBA SP, which I already have from stamps(I think)

No.27, a GameCube

No.28, a Wii U Game Pad

It'll be fun taking pictures of these!

At the kitchen, I told K&M about Clayra's errand for a cake for a sweetheart. The mustard one said something about refusing to give up the ketchup one before they got on topic and said they needed to put their heads together on this one. I don't know who's whose sweetheart here, apart from the mustard one's jealous dedication.

I cleaned for a bit and asked them again. They came up with a choice for me and I chose Love Love Peach Cake. They gave me a chalkboard with writing on it for Madame Clayra.

I filled a stamp card and sent it away. I now had a choice so I asked for a surprise instead of a specific one.

I went back to the kitchen and K&M were still there instead of Clayra.

I then got a delivery and it was No.29, some kind of tall box with a slot near the bottom? Some kind of upside-down postbox?

I went back to the kitchen and Clayra was finally there. She was delighted with the recipe and gave me 5 Happy Points. Woo!

Lots going on. I'll talk about exploring the garden in the next post.

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