Wednesday 15 December 2021

28 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - winning bronze in hide and seek

Dear Readers,

There were job listings from K&M, SGX and Clayra, so I took them on.

K&M spoke of the director's cut of a film and its significance, praising each other's culturedness. They asked me to fetch a cut lemon from the fridge which was another very easy task! I'm beginning to wonder why they gave me the harder ones first.

K&M's reactions are a little weird when I bring them the thing they want. There's this purple swirly thing in the background that feels like it implies they're horrified but they react that way no matter what. I got them their cut lemon and they were pleased.

SGX wanted to do another distance test. Ugh... I got the first two attempts correct so I was quite pleased! The third one was a big long distance and I didn't manage to do so well there. Still, glad I passed.

Clayra had the same hide and seek job for me again. This time I was better prepared to complete all the rounds, including the one where the odd one out was the one without a bow tie.

When I finished, the Chibi-tots told me something they overheard from Clayra. She said "ooh, he's so wishy-washy! Must I make the first move?' Well, that's what she says... and a couple of other things I didn't note or could make sense of straight away.

I went back to the office and bought Silhouette No.19, the pique cap and No.20, the rolling pin. I found out that even though I already had the rolling pin printed from the stamps, I had to buy it from the catalogue anyway to unlock the new page, which is kind of flawed, but I guess the stamps win me another chance of taking a good photo.

The new page of Silhouettes were mostly boxy kind of shapes but I couldn't tell what they were exactly. There was also the eye shape I got from stamps earlier, but of course, I'll have to buy that again. Oh well.

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