Monday 6 December 2021

19 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - more cleaning at the desk

Dear Readers,

I went back to the desk and talked to Drake. He asked me if it seemed like he considered my point of view. I said yes and he was again inspired, calling me a gentleman and said he was inspired by my example.

I pressed the camera button a few times and more pictures started appearing! One was of Drake and another was of a UFO. Interesting. Not sure what to do with them though.

On another trip, the robot asked me more trivia, this time being the title of episode 8 of Geotron X. I said it was A Sinister Trap and it was correct! That was obvious but it was fun.

I filled another stamp card and got a rolllin pin shaped Silhouette, No.20.

I also let enough dust build up that I hoovered to max out the bag's capacity! The bin was finally satisfied but didn't seem to give any extra rewards.  11 Happy Points was good though.

I had enough to buy the hand Silhouette (No.12) and unlock a new page of Silhouettes.

The new ones were:

No.13 an Egg

No.14 Cup Noodle container

No.15 Shopping Bag

No.16 Cup

All nice recognisable shapes this time!

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