Sunday 26 December 2021

39 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - not a good day at work

Dear Readers,

A few days have passed, so some jobs came in again. All from K&M, J Bear, Clayra, and SGX.

K&M talked about the beaches in Nice and asked for ingredients to make ratatouille. I got a tomato and an aubergine, but the pepper I got was wrong. There were two different kinds of red peppers and I got the big bulky one, so I guess that was wrong. They were all sad.

Joshy Bear had the same mission and goal for me, to get 80% of the place clean. I pushed it too far and collapsed. Yeesh.

Clayra's Chibi-tots had the same hide and seek challenge for me. I got two of the attempts correct. 

SGX had the measuring test again and once again I was bad at it, only passing one of the attempts.

Not a good day for work! Oh well!

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