Tuesday 21 December 2021

34 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - finishing longer tasks with the extra battery

Dear Readers,

There were some jobs from K&M, J Bear and Drake, so I took them on. Should do better now with my extended battery.

K&M shared an amusing memory of their trip to Italy and asked me to fetch three ingredients for Bolognese Sauce. They didn't tell me what they were though. I fetched ground beef, an onion and a tomato and they were delighted! For getting the fifth thing from them correct I got a bronze trophy. Yay!

Joshy Bear gave me the same job and I was able to reach 80% cleanliness this time thanks to the new battery. I got 86% with 10 Watts remaining.

Drake gave me the same job and I was just as able to take it on. I didn't destroy the UFO so maybe I'll prioritise that next time.

I had enough Happy Points to buy No.21, 22 and 23, so that's what I did. I didn't take any pictures though.

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