Thursday 23 December 2021

36 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - exploring the secluded garden

Dear Readers,

I decided to explore the new area, the Secluded Garden.

I wandered around, scaring a butterfly and picking up sticks. I found one of Joshy Bear's dancers in a bucket.

Drake was surprised to meet me here on on patrol! He asked me if I wanted to take part in his quiz and I agreed to. He asked me if justice was "seigi" in Japanese! Wow! That must've been a unique localisation task. I looked it up and said yes. Then he asked if the opposite of Justice was Evil. I said yes. Then he asked if everyone had a sense of justice. I said yes. He gave me my result which was a fail! I had another chance so I said no to the last two answers. Fail again! He wouldn't let me take the quiz again sadly. I wonder which is yes and which is no...

I explored the garden more and picked up acorns and more sticks. It was true to its name alright as it was very secluded. It wasn't even proper outdoors. It was like a lean-to glasshouse. Some pots and other things kind of thrown around the place too.

I found 2 batteries here, though I don't now what I'll use them for.

Then there was that pot that turned out to be a tunnel to a way to climb to an upper area. Nice bit of exploring here, though I didn't see much else to do. Nothing that made me need two extra batteries anyway.

I revisited the garden until I met Laroque again. He wasn't in the fountain, he was just sitting in the garden enjoying the place. He asked me to count the dandelions and I found 6, telling him the number. He was happy. He also said he loved when it rained as it cleans him but didn't like when the ground got soggy.

It is a lovely little garden. It looks like the owner has the good sense to not caretake it to death. It doesn't look like it rains in here so I'm not sure what Laroque is talking about.

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