Monday 13 December 2021

26 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - choosing manly food and shooting ufo

Dear Readers,

I had more jobs from K&M and Drake, so I took them on.

First was K&M. They talked about manliness and how it was pathetic if a man saw a pretty girl he didn't speak to and how a man should be daring enough to express his feelings. Very interesting piece of advice!

They brought the conversation back to food by saying men liked to eat meat, so this time they wanted me to fetch chicken from the fridge. This was much more straightforward than the one about the English Breakfast! There wasn't even an access to the upper shelf or a basket! The chicken was right there in front of me too! There was other stuff like the beef steak and what looked like Wagyu beef steak. I would've much preferred those myself but they wanted chicken so I got them chicken. They were very pleased.

I went back to the office and took on Drake's job, another blaster mission. It was pretty much the same as last time. I got a score over 60 and there was a UFO near the end. I shot it but it didn't count as I had to shoot it a few times. I was low on battery though.

I now had enough Happy Points for the Ping Pong bat Silhouette so I bought that.

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