Friday 7 October 2016


Dear Readers,

I went back to Pilchard Bay. The shopkeeper had something to say about the book. He told me the hermit would know more about it though. My mother said I was looking down in the mouth. Must be because I was a man on a mission! I showed the book to Maribel who couldn't make sense of it either. She said I wasn't able to stay away from her and to let her know what the shopkeeper thought of it like a "good boy". Man...

I went back to Estard. The people there were saying how Prince Kiefer was racing around the place. The old man said someone else did that on the island long ago, trying to find stuff out but then he disappeared. Hmm... mysterious... Someone else said Prince Kiefer went into the weapon shop. The little boy said Uncle Pike tried to sell Prince Kiefer a stone for five thousand gold coins! Must be the same stone he was trying to give to the bunny girl...

The innkeeper asked if I was looking for the sun too. I said Yes and he couldn't figure out what us young people were up to. The old man at the bar thinks my dad should have a word with Uncle Pike to sort himself out. When I spoke to him, he left the pub and said he hoped I didn't mind picking up the tab! The bartender said not to worry and that he'd just add the bill to Pike's own tab. The innkeeper wondered what Pike was trying to achieve, drinking all day like this. I saw that Pike went back to bed when he got home.

In the weapon shop, the guy at the counter said he sold Prince Kiefer a little yellow ball he found in the cellar for three gold coins and reckoned he was "barmy". Piers said Uncle Pike tried to sell him the stone as well.

Pike's landlord said he tried to pay the rent with the same lump of rock.

Other people were saying various things that Kiefer was shouting out loud to himself with excitement. He was still trying to figure out the puzzle...

The little girl who was putting on make up was now trying to go to the toilet. She had the word "ablutions" in her vocabulary. How eloquent...

Back at the castle, I heard Kiefer gave back the ring. King Donald was still wondering what we were up to but didn't press the matter as he gave up trying to get answers.

I went to see my darling Princess Lisette. She talked about the boat Kiefer and I were trying to fix up for sea and she was supportive, but said we were being completely "unrealithtic". So cute :)

The guard on the roof said Kiefer jumped into the fountain because of the sun's reflection in it. He was trying all kinds of stuff! The maid in his room said he came in dripping wet, changed his clothes and raced out again.

I went to see Dermot The Hermit again, who wasn't any more accommodating, until I showed him the book. Even then, he mistook me for a door-to-door salesman before he realised what the book was. He then offered five hundred gold coins for it! I said No, but what if I said Yes? Haha :)

I told him about what Kiefer and I were trying to do and he said that we were one step ahead of those dull-witted scholars up at the castle, at least. He said he'd decipher what the book says but to come back later with the Prince.

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