Monday 10 October 2016


Dear Readers,

Mop it up and I decided to try some cave exploring this time! My first time going deep underground!

I was recommended to bring several stone and iron pickaxes, torches, swords, a bucket of water and food.

Off we went! After some time looking around in the dark, we eventually found a cave somewhere in the west. Down and down we went until we got disconnected. It was no biggie though, as we were able to get up and running again and were in a safe spot on a newly watered lava pool that was well lit.

In the Mario texture, the obsidian blocks are blue. I thought it was bedrock for a moment but bedrock is an empty question block.

We explored this twisty dark cave, lighting up stuff, mining stuff like iron and gold... lots of stuff to find. We met lots of enemies as well, as if all the enemies we met on the way here weren't bad enough!

Shy Guys on stilts are in place of Endermen. Nice touch, and they're a lot more difficult and scary to deal with than in Mario games!

At one point I froze to the spot. I could hear very creepy laughing nearby and wondered what the heck it was. It turned out to be a witch! Mop it up took care of her. Very dangerous enemy. They appear as Magikooopa here. These ones don't shoot cutesy shapes though!

Mop it up and I continued exploring and excavating and making good use of Jack O Lanterns until our inventories were full.

On the way back out, I found my wolf sitting down. I thought it died after all the enemies we fought! It was whining though.

We got out of the cave and it was night time. The trip back was pretty tricky too, especially along the plains where we met lots of enemies.

But hey, we made it back home safely! Mop it up asked how I enjoyed my cave adventure and I replied how it was exciting and bewildering. It was also quite scary! Fishing is safer... or at least, that's what I thought as you'll see soon...

After feeding the wolf, I did some more farming, harvesting pumpkins, collecting eggs and made some pumpkin pie. Mop it up extended the railway to go all the way northwest, across some of the lake and into the jungle. We smelted lots of gold and iron ore as well. I mined out 28 gold blocks in that cave. Ingots appear as coins, which is pretty cute.

I checked out the new railway extension. It was great! Lately, there was a Google Doodle celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Trans-Siberian railway and there should be one for this too!

I decided to go fishing out in the lake. It's nice enough fishing out there. When the water area is wide you can see all the splashes the fish do. Mop it up wanted to get a blaze rod and decided to take a chance in the scary portal.

I am prone to dropping my map. Instead of just moving to the next item while having it selected, I tend to press B, thinking it's a sub-screen I can just cancel out of, but all that does is make me throw it! I was out in a boat in the middle of the lake fishing when I dropped my map this time and, without thinking, I dived right in after it. The lake was just too deep to find it though and I eventually drowned. Grah...

Without thinking, I took another minecart to the lake, rushed out to my boat in another boat, dived in again... and drowned... again. The lake was just too deep to even touch the bottom without running out of air, so I lost all my held equipment at the bottom of the lake. Mop it up kindly brought one of the boats back to shore and both minecarts back home. Oops!

Mop it up went through the scary portal, but forgot to bring the Fire Flower(flint and steel) and was now trapped beyond when the portal deactivated. I was back out on the lake fishing at night while this happened and just fished out an almost broken Bow Of Unbreaking II, which itself is kind of ironic.

I hurried back home through all the enemies I met on the track. It's safe enough to fish out on the lake at night and almost completely safe to use the railway too.

At home I got prepared, nabbed the fireflower and made it daytime. Then I activated the portal and went through. I had to do this because a ghast immediately attacked the portal when Mop it up got there. My first visit to the Nether!

When I got there, Mop it up was under attack from a ghast, which appears in the Mario pack as a Boo! Much more dangerous and frightening than in Mario games too! Mop it up made it back out, but the ghast blew a hole in the floor and I fell through! Yikes!

I hid for a while and then ran away when exploding ghast fire started raining down on me. I saw blazes as well and scrambled around trying to find a place to hide!

Mop it up found me cowering in a corner. I had taken a lot of damage and was trying to regenerate some health. When I was ready, we hurried up the staircase Mop it up made and rushed through the portal.

Then the game froze. aaaaaarrrghhh!!

Starting up the game again, Mop it up was still stuck in the nether and I was still out in the fishing boat. I lost that Bow Of Unbreaking II I fished out too. That amazing rescue mission and it was all lost! Dang it! Gotta do it again!

I rushed back in the minecart, grabbed the Fire Flower and prepared again to go through the portal. This time I immediately exited back out after going in. This creates a working portal in the nether. All I had to do now was wait...

Mop it up then appeared at the portal! Hooray! A bit of pillaring up had to be done to get away from the Boo ghasts. These ones don't shy away when you look at them either!

We leaped around in celebration for a while before going home and wrapping up the game session. Very eventful!

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