Saturday 8 October 2016


Dear Readers,

Back in town and in the castle, people were saying how Kiefer went back to the castle in a sad way as nothing was working out for him. I went to see him in his room and he said he was shattered from running all over the place and trying everything he could. He said he even tried the funny stone my Uncle Pike had. He didn't pay the crazy amount of money he asked for it, but "borrowed" it from him when he went home to take a nap. He gave the Sizzling Stone back to me to give back to him.

He asked me how I got on and if I was any closer to finding an answer. I said Yes and told him about Dermot. He then joined me and the standard theme that plays when someone joins your party in a Dragon Quest game played! Woo!

For a laugh, I brought Kiefer upstairs to King Donald, despite everyone telling me not to! He got really mad and we ran back out of the throne room! Hehe :)

I then brought him to see Princess Lisette who was thrilled to see him. She wanted him to tell her what he was doing with all the running around lately and she promised not to tell their father. He said she was the only one in the castle who understood him and said he'd tell her about all his adventures later. They both dote on each other. How sweet :)

Kiefer didn't think much of the castle scholar when we talked to him. He got all embarrassed when the guard on the roof asked about him jumping into the fountain too! Hehe :)

The guard that felt guilty about being paid when it was so peaceful got a shock when he saw Kiefer with me and quietened up about it, saying they were getting their money's worth. Hehe. :)

Wow! The guard standing in front of the gate unlocked it for Kiefer. We went down and met a bearded man standing by a raft. Might come into play later. Unfortunately, we couldn't open the other gate downstairs from behind the ground floor staircase.

The maids mentioned it to Kiefer about not seeing his sister lately and he felt guilty about it. The captain asked Kiefer to please not give the King any more shocks. The chef gave Kiefer the fish bits I brought him earlier and he nommed them down happily.

Back in Estard, Kiefer was greeted by everyone we spoke to. He wondered why no one would call him "Kiefer" instead of "Your Highness". The guy in the red hat said he couldn't help wondering what it'd be like when Kiefer starts ruling and got a fright, but Kiefer said to leave it and said himself he wasn't cut out for ruling this place... aw...

We went back to Uncle Pike's house. He was still asleep, so I quietly slipped the Sizzling Stone back into his pocket. I'm not sure if I should've done this or not, but it seemed like he had enough problems with debts, so I didn't want to add to his troubles. Kiefer praised me for this good work at least.

We spoke with the ladies at the well again and this time, something shone from within. They let us climb down this time and there we got our very first Mini Medal for this game! Woo! Lots of these collectible things in Dragon Quest games! The lady didn't think much of it. The older lady said Kiefer mustn't have any regrets when he gets older and he said he must have as many adventures as he can while he's young.

The bartender offered Kiefer a sardine cordial. "Sardine cordial"?! What the heck :/ the old man at the bar asked if my dad was back yet. The bunny girl welcomed Kiefer and she and the bartender both apologised about the mess.

The guy who said Kiefer was being led astray by someone from Pilchard Bay got all embarrassed when I visited him again. Haha :)

The boy who had his sweeties stolen by Pike, Kiefer ordered him to steal them back!

Kiefer said Pike was the talk of the town and said at least they weren't all talking about him. He got a bit embarrassed when the weapon shop owner asked him about how the yellow ball that he sold him worked out for him.

Piers got embarrassed when he said how jealous he was of us having nothing to do but then saw Kiefer. Kiefer confided in me how Piers' personality rubbed him the wrong way. I know what he means... In that sense, Piers and Maribel suit each other quite well.

The old lady at the church told Kiefer not to go near the forbidden place, that it was for neither prince nor pauper in case he got cursed or something.

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