Saturday 15 October 2016


Dear Readers,

A voice told us we were in the Assembly Room, a sacred place where only chosen ones may enter. Kiefer asked if it was me who said that. I said No. The voice continued and said that the spirit here was to guide us, meaning the creature, who was no longer translucent...

Hm... I guess this creature is the adventure companion like Navi or Midna or something. I wasn't sure of its gender, but Kiefer referred to it as a "he" so I'll do the same.

He welcomed us to the room and told us he was a few hundred years old like it was nothing to him. He then told us about the pillars and the different coloured pedestals below. We had to put matching tiles into them like jigsaw puzzles. We already had two of the yellow tiles we picked up from the previous room, so we slotted them in to the small yellow pedestal on the top left corner of the pillar. There was one piece missing, so we asked for guidance. The purple creature told us, through a message delivered from on high, that the remaining tablet was on a ship that just came home to port. Must be my dad's ship!

Also, we were told by the creature that the pedestals represented all the world's territories. Definitive proof that there were other places in the world besides ours! Very exciting stuff :)

We had no more stone fragments, so we left. The sun was already up. Kiefer said he had to rush back home, but to come get him straight away if I found anything. I ran back home on this new day, excited to see my dad come back, hopefully with the last yellow tablet piece from the pedestal!

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