Monday 17 October 2016


Dear Readers,

Mop it up came back to my Mario 64 textured world. I did the usual farming to begin with, until it got dark and rainy.

I was in Chris' fishing pond room when it started raining. The way our places were built, you just need to go outside a short way to get to the enchanting room, but you have to go outside in the rain. If this were real life and with the rain coming down hard, I imagine I would go down the ladder, down the hall and up the other ladder to get there in order to stay dry, even though it would be a longer trek.

Mop it up explored the cave near our mountain and found a stronghold! Very nice! Right under our noses too! We decided to explore.

Before we did this though, I thought I'd try my hand at potion brewing, using the puffer fish and water bottle I fished up. Looking up on the Minecraft wiki, I brewed a potion that lets me breathe underwater for a short while. This would've been handy when I tried to retrieve my map at the bottom of the lake! No worries though. I'd love to go exploring in the lake some other time :)

After my potion brewing, I got all ready for our trip to the stronghold. The cave was very close by our house and it didn't take long to get down there.

The stronghold itself looked like the ruins of some kind of cataclysmic event, like a volcano or earthquake. The doors kept opening up into solid walls and hallways often just stopped at dead ends. Even ones with staircases you'd half expect to lead somewhere.

We came across some silverfish, which appear in this texture pack as Wigglers. Appropriate substitution! Silverfish have a wicked temper...

Mop it up eventually found the portal room! Yay! However, we were looking for a library. Very soon afterwards though, we found one!

This sure is a dangerous library... It had no floor and was suspended high above a great big pool of lava. Maybe there was a conspiracy going on, trying to get people to switch to eBooks full of DRM? Not with us around! We decided to build a floor under the bookcases.

The bookcases break into books so we had loads to carry out. Some handy cobwebs for string too. At least upstairs there was a solid floor around the bookcases. Mop it up also found a compass.

There was a creeper watching what we were doing for some time. We were out of reach though and it was perched atop a floating door, disconnected from the rest of the stronghold. Probably thought "I'm gonna get the jump on these book nerds". Mop it up took care of it.

We made it back home handily, though it does take a bit of navigation. There was a postman waiting for us at the door, but it was a skeleton. They only have junk mail!

We placed the books in a chest in the enchanting room and placed the rest of the stuff we found in materials, blocks and tools chests. Smelted lots of iron we found. I had found one emerald and placed it in materials, even though there aren't any villages in this world. Oh well, why not.

Mop it up placed some bookcases around the enchanting table. Lotsa wisdom now :)

For the rest of our session, I just did some harvesting. For some reason, a Goomba chicken was resting on my bed! Oi!

In my garden, the pumpkin patch had some wheat growing in it for some reason. I converted it all back into wheat crops. Maybe I'll grow something else another time. For now, the pumpkin patch outside the door was more than good enough for our pumpkin needs! Mop it up mined some stuff we missed before we called it a night.

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