Tuesday 11 October 2016


Dear Readers,

We went back to see Dermot The Hermit. He had deciphered the runes, which got Kiefer all excited. It turns out the sun had nothing to do with the light in the picture. Instead, it was all to do with the strength and radiance given off by the pure heart of a chosen one, perhaps the one who built the temple. Dermot laughed when Kiefer said he was the chosen one and called him Mr Special, before giving him instructions on what to do. It was in the form of a nice little bit of rhyming poetry:

"When purest heart and firm resolve are proved
beyond a doubt,
Seek not your path, O Chosen One, for it shall
seek you out."

Dermot joked about Kiefer being the chosen one, but wasn't against the idea. He told us to give it a try and to come back and tell him how we got on... and to not get ourselves killed.

All excited to go back to the shrine, we rushed back through the passage to Estard, where two castle guards confronted us. They said the King wanted Kiefer to come back home. Kiefer disagreed, but the guards pleaded with him as the King wasn't in a good mood today and they were fearing for their jobs... and their guts! One of them had an aging mother and the other just had a baby or two... Kiefer changed his mind on hearing these sob stories and decided to go back with them. They marched in a single file back towards the castle, with Kiefer in the middle. He said he'd catch up with me later.

That night, Kiefer's voice woke me up. He was in my room. He apologised for being so late and said his dad gave him the earbashing of the century and sent him to his room. He said it was time to get up and head to the shrine before the sun came up. No music played during this time, just gentle swooshing of waves, which sounds lovely with headphones :)

I went to save the game. The priest asked us what the two of us were doing prowling around at this hour, saying we should be tucked up in our beds, but then supposed that he was here to look after lost sheep after all.

On leaving, Kiefer was all excited at the prospect of learning the secrets of the ruins. We went there directly and stood in front of the statue. He asked if I was all set and I said Yes. He was ready for it too and said nothing was going to stop him. He asked if I was with him to help and I said Yes. He said hearts didn't come purer than ours, so here went nothing...!

He called out to someone... anyone who could hear us and help us open the way forward. We kneeled. As soon as we did, lights appeared underneath us, the statue rotated towards the door of the ruins and a beam of light shone from its staff, hitting the door, making it open at long last!

Kiefer was delighted! He said all it took was a bit of self-belief and some shouting! We went in...

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