Friday 14 October 2016


Dear Readers,

We left the shrine in the dark of night and made it to the newly opened entrance to the Grave Of Earth And Fire. On the way there, I kept bumping into rocks because I still can't suss the non-inverted camera straight away. Anyway, when we got there, we found two gravestones like the one we saw at the start of the game, each with a glowing bird symbol.

We pushed the west grave stone first and went down the stairs into a tunnel. At the end there was a helmet on a platform across a pit and two switches on our side. Pressing down one of the switches, the torch nearby lit up with a red flame and the helmet's platform rose. Pressing down the other switch, its torch lit up with another red flame and the helmet's platform moved over to us so we could reach it. It was the saint's helm and we took it.

We left the grave and pushed the east grave stone next. The staircase led into a similar chamber with yellow flames on the torches. Here we collected the saint's armour.

I just noticed this game is localised in British English because of the spelling of the word "armour". Hooray :)

We left the grave and headed north through the other end of the tomb site. The path wrapped around the north end of the island and lead to the Grave Of Wind And Water. Here we found two more glowy bird graves with similar tunnels to the other two. The west one had green flame torches. Here we collected the saint's shield. The east one had blue flame torches. Here we collected the saint's sword. With all four sacred items, we headed back to the shrine.

We gave the saint's armour to the Saint Of Earth. It started glowing. A portrait behind the statue lit up and the big sealed door glowed a little too. This happened with the others too for each item. We gave the saint's shield to the Saint Of Wind, the saint's helm to the Saint Of Fire and the saint's sword to the Saint Of Water.

With all the items returned, the big sealed door opened. The purple creature did a little dance. It waited centuries for this to happen and was excited to be able to earn its forgiveness from on high and get out of this place. Imagine being trapped here for centuries? Yeesh... It went through the door and we soon followed.

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