Thursday 27 October 2016


Dear Readers,

We got into the barrel at Onrac and a little cutscene brought us to the Sunken Shrine. It's a very confusing place!

Firstly, we didn't start at the top or bottom floor but somewhere in the middle. There were some treasure rooms and corridors too that were sometimes blocked with rubble. It was kind of tough to get our bearings while being distracted with all the random battles.

We went upstairs first where we eventually found a Light Axe, which gives us free Diara spells and a Mage's Staff, which gives us free Fira spells. Very nice things to have! Together with the healing staff, we didn't have to leave the dungeon to replenish MP at all! This meant though that battles took longer, as we had to use the healing staff during battles. Chris also is the best at using weapon spells as he had the highest INT.

On the next floor, we met many mermaids trapped in rooms. They were very happy to see us come to their rescue. They were also confused as to how we were able to breathe underwater and kind of freaked out about it! The rooms were tidily arranged but many paths were blocked. This floor was interesting in that it repeated when we kept going in an east/west direction. We eventually found the Rosetta Stone here.

We headed back down to the floor on which we entered and continued down the staircase in the northwest. The next floor we found Giants Gloves, which gives us free Saber spells and a Ribbon. Quite nice to have. We pressed on to the next floor, which eventually led to Kraken, the Fiend Of Water!

The Kraken hits pretty dang hard. After some careful HP management and getting plenty of hits in, we defeated it! Yay! Water Crystal restored! Just one more to go! We left the Shrine via the newly created warp portal.

Come to think of it... We never checked on the mermaids afterwards. We might do that at some stage.

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