Thursday 13 October 2016


Dear Readers,

Keifer and I went inside the newly opened door. Inside, we beheld four statues holding something each and right in the middle, there was a translucent purple and green creature with wings looking at us. It was delighted when we went up and spoke to it, because we could see it.

It told us we were in the Shrine Of Awakening and that only those chosen by a higher power were permitted to enter. It congratulated us for qualifying to be the chosen ones! Woo!

Right away, the creature gave us something to do. Regarding the large closed door behind it, it said that we would have to chat with the four saint statues nearby if we wanted to open it.

We explored the area a little bit. There were four more locked doors in the room. Downstairs, there was a locked gate. We'll have to come back here later. Scattered around the floor were two yellow fragments.

We spoke to the first of the Great Saint statues whose dominion was the land. The second was in charge of the wind. The third was in charge of the element of fire. The fourth was in charge of water. They all needed a sacred item.

The purple creature told us we had to retrieve the items the Great Saints told us about. It said that the sealed door to the east of Estard was now open and we were to go there and explore two ancient tomb sites to find four gravestones that lead underground. Each grave contained one of the Great Saints' treasures. It then said it would love to come with us but the rules didn't allow it, whatever they were...

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