Tuesday 18 October 2016


Dear Readers,

Just like the first time I played the game, I was really excited to uncover the airship, but first I had to deal with Marilith and search for the Levistone.

Marilith woke up as a result of us defeating Lich. The apocalypse was happening now and we had to stop it!

Marilith is a formidable looking creature with the upper body of a woman but with the lower half of a snake. She has six arms, each wielding swords. She's also known as Kary. I remember Final Fantasy Adventure and Kary appeared there too, but she was in the Snowfield dungeon instead of a volcano like here. She was also topless in that game would you believe. I assumed she was male then with body built pecs or something!

She wasn't too tough to deal with. Between the hard hitters and the good healing support, she was finished off in a few turns. Joseph's healing was really needed here though, as she hits hard!

After defeating her, we restored the Fire Crystal. A little cutscene happened where a door opened up in a place we haven't been to yet. I don't think we'll do any of these extra dungeons yet. We returned to Crescent Lake to heal.

There was another cave to explore, so we sailed further north and followed the river upstream from there to find the Cavern Of Ice.

This is one weird dungeon. Mainly because the theme to Matoya's Cave plays here and it's much less friendly than Matoya's Cave!

On the floor we entered, we walked along a non-branching path to another staircase. There were cockatrices here again and they sometimes turned us to stone. No problem with Joseph's Stona spell though. Huge groups of mummies too.

On the next floor it was a straightforward square shaped path to the next staircase. Down here was just another staircase to a different part of the floor we just left, somewhere in the centre of the square.

The path led to a room with treasure chests, cracks in the floor and a diamond shaped object. In one of the chests was a Flame Sword, a slightly weaker weapon for Nova, but very good in this dungeon full of ice elemental enemies! It was impossible to get to the diamond shaped object without falling to the floor below.

This floor below was a bit maze like and had many icy floor hazards. We found lots of treasure chests here, most of which had money. Not sure if we raided every chest here. A path eventually led to some stairs going up.

Some more treasures up here and no floor hazards, apart from a crack in the floor where we dropped down.

We were now in the square room again and the diamond object was within reach, but we had to deal with a freaky looking enemy called the Evil Eye. It was a skull with one big eyeball, kind of like a modern Zelda boss. We dealt with it easily and grabbed the diamond object, which was the Levistone! We had to wind around a bit, but found our way out of the cave, albeit through a different staircase, even though it was at the same entrance, which was kinda weird.

Now that we had the Levistone, I knew exactly where to go from playing this game before. We returned to Crescent Lake to heal and then rowed all the way down river to the desert.

An awesome cutscene happened where we got out the Levistone and this huge airship with propellors emerged from the sand. When I first played this game, I kept a save file slot just for this cutscene because I loved it so much! :)

Now we could fly high in the sky, just like Banjo! We spent some time flying all over the world with glee, before thinking about exploring the northern continent. It's such a great feeling to simply fly over every obstacle that kept getting in our way before, like it was nothing now!

Although we could fly wherever we wanted in the north, we couldn't always land exactly where we wanted. This entire region was covered with forests and other types of terrain which made it unfriendly to land. It seemed wherever we wanted to go, we'd have to land in a clearing miles away and walk through forests and marshland. I guess we couldn't have it too easy.

We made a stop at the Dragon Caves, because I do remember being able to upgrade our classes here. Very interesting community of pacifist dragons living in these caves spread across an archipelago. We met their leader Bahamut. He lives in an unmistakably big and royal looking cave. He will upgrade our classes if we give him a token of our bravery. I think I prefer him as a pacifist NPC to chat with!

Next, we headed to Gaia, a town high up in the mountains that didn't require walking for miles to reach. Here we were able to learn the strongest magic in the game but couldn't for now, so we just bought what we could. We also bought a Ruby Armlet. Not sure who to give it to yet. Will prepare more next time.

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