Wednesday 26 October 2016


Dear Readers,

Mop it up and Chris came back to my world, or as Chris called it, Leprechaunia.

I started it as I usually do, with farming and fishing. Chris went north on a journey of self-discovery, or rather, map filling. Mop it up went to help. They went up to near where the skeleton cave was but not inside. Later he thought he'd make a path under the river for fun.

After a while it became dark and rainy. It continued raining all the next day too with thunder and lightning. Mop it up and Chris were safe and dry in some cave I hope. I stayed inside where it was safe and dry!

Boo it up: Don't be afraid to get wet!
RocketPumpkins: this is comfier tho :3

We were using Halloween names.

Chris got stuck at one point and needed a bit of help. He mined straight down and fell into a cave. He was looking for wood to build a ladder. Mop it up helped and he eventually got out.

I decided to check out the zombie jungle spawner Mop it up found last time. I zoomed by Chris in the minecart and waved at him.

The zombie spawner was right there near an entrance on the beach near the railway. Nice and close! Maybe we could do a villager restoration thing with this sometime!

Mop it up and I hung around and bashed zombies to each other over and back. It was like a dangerous game of ping pong! After a while I finally gained up to level 30 and headed back. There was a sheep on the bridge and wouldn't budge! It was a slow minecart ride back until it got off on land.

Chris continued looking for random caves and Mop it up found 21 diamonds. Very nice :)

At one point I fished out an enchanted book with Sharpness IV.

I made depth striders and more water breathing potions. I can move a bit quicker in water now, so that's nice.

Mop it up made more awesome discoveries, like a skeleton spawner really close to a spider spawner. Makes you wonder if it'll spawn skeleton riders! But no it's some other criteria. Mop it up also found 28 diamonds total! Striking it rich!

During this time I just went swimming all around the lake and in the jungle lake too. It's still pretty cool. On the way back home, Chris had left his minecart, so I had to nudge it back. There was a bunny in the cart, but it died on the way home. Oh well... they mustn't be good travellers.

Mop it up brought a load of stuff home and tried on some armour, ending up looking like the penguin from Super Mario 64! I almost thought we were going to have a sliding race to the bottom of the mountain!

Mop it up also planted some trees and mushrooms.

Chris had an idea about putting in staging bases with crafting tables, furnaces, chests, beds and an intricate system of tracks all around. Sounds very industrial and not a bad idea at all. It would save time on logistics.

Then he had the idea to strip mine the entire island to the bed rock and sell the land back to the natives for a tidy profit. Dastardly! :)

We were also talking about starting a new world with structures like water temples and villages by using a seed. We'll see...d.

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