Thursday 6 October 2016


Dear Readers,

I now learned the name of the old man who lives on the cliff edge. His name's Dermot The Hermit and he was rude to the man in green in Estard sqaure, rejecting some food he brought him.

The other old man in the square noticed Piers leaving town with Maribel. He can have her... best of luck to him! The man in the red hat said Kiefer was heading to the East of Pilchard Bay. The boy here said Pike told him to bog off when he asked for his sweets back. Yeesh...

Uncle Pike wasn't at home. He was awake now, but headed straight for the pub, chatting up the bunny girl. She asked me to have a chat with him. He was trying to give her a present of some kind of stone to win her favour but she wasn't interested. When I talked to him, he asked me to put in a good word for him... until he fell asleep again. Right on his bar stool!

Here's another thing I like about this game: There's no loading screen when you enter a building. What do you think of that, Animal Crossing New Leaf? Or rather... every Animal Crossing after the GameCube version...

I went back to Pilchard Bay, where some of my neighbours talked about Prince Kiefer heading out to the East. The wife of the sailor said she was rushed off her feet doing chores while her husband was away. Her father in law was looking out to sea, lamenting on how all the life goes out of the village when the men are out fishing.

I went back home and talked to my mother. She asked if I was on my best behaviour and I said Yes. She said I couldn't be too careful dealing with royalty. She said Prince Kiefer stopped by and said not to let anything happen to him or King Donald would never forgive me. But like... he's bigger than me and two years older too!

The little boy was impatiently waiting for his dad to come back. The shopkeeper's wife said her husband and I were pretty much the only men left in the village. No we're not... She said she'd have to rely on me if anything went wrong, because her husband couldn't be trusted. Aw... Her husband asked if I was looking for bargains. I said No and he said Prince Kiefer bought an old bell belonging to his great-grandfather that kept bears at bay. Ah... I see... still not sure why I wasn't attacked yet myself though. Then he said his great-grandfather said there was a curse on the old temple and that the powers-that-be made up stuff about the bears. Hmm... maybe they made up the stuff about a curse too.

Mrs Mayde wasn't the most approving of Maribel heading off to Estard. I don't know if she knows about Piers...

Maribel was upstairs, sitting at her vanity table. Piers insisted on escorting her back safely. She was all snoopy about why Kiefer was in town and said we couldn't pull the wool over her eyes... Yikes... As for Piers, he must've went home, but I didn't see him there.

I went back to the Shrine Of Mysteries, and Kiefer was there standing in front of the statue. He handed me the book he found in the castle. The book had a picture of the statue along with a shine coming from its staff. It also had pictures of stone tablets and was written in ancient text I couldn't figure out. The music suits this mysterious part pretty well!

Keifer said we were close but couldn't figure out what to do yet. He showed me the Sunstone Ring that upset his father so much when he took it. He said it was in his family for "yonks". I've never come across that word in a game before! We say it around here alright :)

Kiefer asked if he shall hold the ring up to the statue and I said Yes. He said our scholars never got to the bottom of this stuff and it was almost as if they didn't want to. He really wanted to figure out the mysteries of this place and this island though!

Kiefer held up the ring... the camera panned around the statue and... nothing. Nothing happened. He was disappointed and said it looked like he was wrong about the ring, but he was certain it had something to do with the sun. There were more clues in the book we couldn't figure out, but then he had an idea. He said Dermot the Hermit might be able to figure out what the weird scribbles say since he's a massive bookworm. He asked me to take the book to him and get him to look at it, since the two of them don't get on. I said Yes. He then ran off to find any more clues.

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