Monday 31 October 2016


Dear Readers,

After using the warp cube on the top of Mirage Tower, we found ourselves above the clouds in the Flying Fortress' teleport room.

The music changed to a new theme which gives the feeling of this place being unlike any other dungeon we've come across so far. We were no longer in the domain of the surface world. This place was more alien, more futuristic, but also had the feel of an ancient and lost civilisation.

We met many enemies up here that were mechanical and robotic. These particular ones have a weakness to lightning, so the Thor's Hammer we just found on the way here came in very handy! There were more warp panels used for travelling between floors.

The first floor had treasure rooms, one of which had the Razer, which gives us free Scourge spells. I'd say yay, but I don't normally use this spell as it often doesn't work.

The second floor had branching corridors in the shape of an asterisk, very much like the bottom floor of Gulg Volcano. Here we found a White Robe, which gives us free Invisira spells and the Black Robe, which gives us free Blizzara spells. Double Yay! We also found the Adamantite up here, which we'll bring to Mount Duergar later.

The third floor was pretty cool. There was a robot here with a gigantic orb, who said we could take a look over the whole world from up here. We had a look into it. We could see the entire world and glowing points where the crystal altars were located. Lines connected them and intersected at the Chaos Shrine, which is where we must go when all the crystals are restored. This is where we fought Garland at the beginning of the game.

The fourth floor was meant to confuse. It's just a wide area where we had to suss where the next teleport panel was without going back to the previous floor by mistake. It's kind of like The Wind Fish's Egg in Link's Awakening, but I don't think there is a riddle to it.

Finally the fifth floor, which was a nice thing to see after the confusing fourth floor. Just a long corridor to Tiamat!

By the way, Rocket could now do 16 hits per turn. Lots of damage!

Tiamat is a six headed blue dragon with various moves that attack all of us at once. We were pretty powerful so it wasn't too difficult to defeat her after a few turns.

After defeating her, we finally restored all the crystals! Woo! Also, an area called the Whisperwind Cove unlocked. We missed where it was. According to the map, it's located somewhere near the Cavern Of Ice.

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