Wednesday 19 October 2016


Dear Readers,

Mop it up very kindly built a fishing hole upstairs from the enchanting room! Hooray! Our house now had four floors! Chris also made a long-awaited return!

The session began when I dropped my fishing rod. I guess I haven't gotten over that habit yet. Mop it up built an amazing and beautiful fishing hole while I studied some chemistry on the Minecraft wiki. I wanted to learn how to make night vision potion, which would make it nice and clear underwater. Unfortunately, it involves golden carrots. I'll have to see if I can get them from zombie drops.

Chris then joined after being away for so long! Nice to have him back!

Mop it up: "It's a fishin' hole, not a bathin' hole!
Rocket: "lol yes I know, just happy is all :)"

I took a dip in the new fishing hole because it was just that awesome! My first catch was a salmon too! I had pretty good luck with catching lots of salmon here actually.

The next morning I went out to the lake with my water breathing potion. I really wanted to do some deep sea diving! Chris playfully chased me on the minecart trip there like it was Temple Of Doom or something :) he liked the idea of having a big rail network all over the place. It's pretty awesome alright :) All Mop it up's work too! The last time he was here, there wasn't anything like that.

Mop it up did some more caving and found gold, iron and an emerald.

I took the boat out to the centre of the lake, drank the potion and spent an awesome 3 minutes underwater just swimming slowly through the depths. The water is clearer when you have the potion's effects too, but I'd still like to get the night vision potion sometime.

When I came back that evening, I found that Chris had built the railway going into our basement! I guess it'll be handy! I also sussed brewing a bit more, learning that I could make 3 potions at once using only one ingredient for the bottles, which is quite nice. I made four or five more water breathing potions. I also made lots of pumpkin pie. So many eggs!

Chris enchanted a new iron sword and made a reference to Ironsword on NES, which had Fabio on the cover. It had plus IV sharpness and 8.5 attack power. Powerful stuff!

I went back to the lake and dived underwater again. I was there for ages thanks to all the potions I brewed. I explored most of the southern coast and was scuba diving well into the night. It's quite safe underwater at night, so scuba diving is a nice nighttime activity. Of course, the water is still kinda murky and I thought I saw some secret things, but I didn't find any secret stuff - just the general beauty of the land form.

Meanwhile, Mop it up and Chris were on a perilous adventure with the threat of lava. When I got back home, I shooed a chicken out of my garden and harvested all the wheat for bread. Mop it up and Chris' inventories were getting full and they needed to escape as they were running out of food and torches. Between them, 6 diamonds were found, as well as lots of gold and iron.

Chris was kind of creeped out by the chickens looking like Goombas, but we were used to them at that stage. He said he wishes this game had a Zelda texture pack. That's a great idea actually! Minecraft does have the atmosphere of an older Zelda game.

At one point, my game froze. Luckily it wasn't too long after the auto save. I followed Mop it up's suggestion and switched the auto saving interval to every 15 minutes instead of every 30. The only progress lost was Mop it up's enchanting, but after doing it again afterwards, it seems better results were made. Yay freeze! (Not generally of course, just this one)

Moving through water is sluggish, so I had a look at my boots on the enchanting table. I could enchant depth strider boots, which would help me move faster, but I'd have to have 30 levels of experience at least. I had 17 so far.

Mop it up found a zombie spawner! Yay! Now we can try to get some drops and experience from them :)

I spent the rest of the time at the fishing hole. It rained outside for the next few days. Chris joined me and just watched me fish. I caught some fish and a lily pad and got some nice experience, between fishing and cooking. After a few days, Chris went offline to go watch a movie.

Mop it up "jacked" the spawner by covering it with jack-o-lanterns (very nice pun btw! :) ). I'll go there another time. I levelled up to 19 and finished up farming chores. Mop it up came back home with lots more stuff, including the first potato found in this world! It appears as a turnip from Super Mario Bros. 2 with the eyes and everything. It also kinda looks like a parsnip.

Next time we need to farm lots of potatoes. End the famine :)

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