Sunday 30 October 2016


Dear Readers,

It's really nice to just hop in the airship and cruise around to see the world without random battles, you know? I'm not sure if you can go in a straight line and see nothing but blue ocean, but you can always go in a diagonal direction if you feel you've lost sight of land. Anyway, it's time to go to the Mirage Tower in the desert!

I really liked this place. The floors are all round with it being a tower and there were mysterious flashing panels, as if they were a cross between some advanced computers and stone slabs with ancient language inscribed on them. The odd robot wandered around the floors too and they were fascinating to chat with. They talked about their friend, who gave us the warp cube back in the waterfall cave.

On the first floor, we found a Healing Helmet, which meant another opportunity for free Heals per turn! Yay!

On the second floor there were more of these computerised panels and lots of chests, one of which contained a Sun Blade for Nova and another containing Thor's Hammer, which gave us another free Thundara to use per turn! Woo!

Up another floor was the top of the tower and a teleporter. With warp cube in hand, we stepped on to it and were all whisked up into the sky...

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