Saturday 29 October 2016


Dear Readers,

After installing yet another update(something to do with a guy named Gary Banner, whoever he is), Mop it up and I returned to my world for more Minecrafting!

I could hear a baby zombie near the house so I went on a mission to find out where it was. We found it in a minecart in the basement and Mop it up took care of it. Soon after this though, the game froze on me. :(

There were some handy tunnels going through our mountain. Pretty handy whoever made them!

After the freeze, the baby zombie was back in the basement. We weren't able to sleep in the beds with it so close by, so we had to slay it. Very safe dealing with it too, as it was preoccupied with sitting in the minecart. They're not usually that easy to deal with.

Then Chris joined. I went back to a peaceful life of farming after dealing with the baby zombie. Mop it up found some more diamonds and Chris went exploring a ravine.

Soon afterwards though, the game crashed again :( It didn't actually freeze in the same way. What happened was this: I was harvesting pumpkins but none were dropping for pick up - they were only disappearing. Then I got a message about a game error and the option to save. It hung around on the saving screen a bit too long without any progress, so I had to reset the game yet again. Stupid Gary Banner :( it's all his fault!

I read up on how to cure a zombie villager. My idea was to have them spawn out of the zombie spawner(in the form of a blue coloured Boomerang Bro) at the edge of the jungle and bring them back home. I made a splash potion of weakness and a golden apple and set off on my mission.

The method for curing was to first hit them with the potion, then feed them the golden apple.

Meanwhile, Chris went to the stronghold we found and explored it. Poor guy died at some stage too... :(

After some time of slaying zombie after zombie, a zombie villager finally spawned! I threw the splash potion at it and then used the golden apple on it. This gave me an achievement and made it start shaking for quite some time. It was a very delicate situation, because I had to put the jack o lantern back on the spawner, make sure not to harm the zombie villager and take cover from it. When I got all this done, I had to wait a good few minutes, but they finally turned into a villager! Yay! :) It was a butcher!

I blocked it from moving and Mop it up came over to help me bring the villager back. It was really awkward and difficult to do. They kept moving around and we had to nudge it up blocks and all the way back to the minecart. Eventually, we just pushed it into the water and nudged it back to the minecart that way. If only there was a way to lure them...

When it was safely in the middle minecart, Mop it up and I sat in the other two minecarts and escorted the villager back! It felt pretty good to succeed at this! I then had to break the minecart and bring the villager inside.

Meanwhile, Chris was in trouble with just half a heart left. Mop it up went to rescue him with baked potatoes. A hero's work is never done! Epic rescues all around!

Just when we were talking about curing another zombie villager to breed with the other one, Mop it up trapped one in the house that was built for the butcher. This was a great opportunity and meant we wouldn't have to go all the way back to the jungle spawner! I quickly brewed another splash potion of weakness and a golden apple and got ready... Unfortunately this didn't go well at all...

It was morning by the time I took a chance to cure this zombie villager and it chased me around and caught fire and Mop it up had to pour water on us and... it was just a mess and ended up with the zombie villager dying. The golden apple and splash potion were wasted too. We hung our heads in shame :(

I really should've waited until night time again, or at least sun-proofed my curing attempt. Ah well... there's always next time and we can always restore one more. We'll have to flatten the path between the track and the spawner though, maybe put in some steps and we'll be good! Until next time!

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