Wednesday 5 October 2016


Dear Readers,

Mop it up came back to my world and we kept it on the Mario texture pack. It's nice of the world to welcome us with the Mario 64 title screen theme!

Our one Goomba chicken was looking a little lonely, so I went looking for another one. I didn't have to look far, as another one wandered up to our house! I led it into the pen and bred a lot more Goomba chickens throughout the session! I wasn't going to let our one Goomba be lonely and stuck between two pipes! We have so many eggs coming in now too! Together with our pumpkin and sugar cane farms, we can now make lots of nourishing slices of pumpkin pie!

Mop it up said that this game does have the Hazy Maze Cave music, but only if I brave a trip through the scary portal. Mmmmaybe later! At least it is actually there though!

While building our Goomba chicken flock, I accidentally let one fall into the basement... It wasn't able to fly back out on account of the only exit being through a ladder. I broke some of the stone floor in order to make steps to help it back out. The only problem with this was, the stone blocks were now cobblestone and didn't match the rest of the floor... Mop it up turned them back to stone though, using the furnace. Yay!

Later on I came across a zombie, who appear in this game as Hammer Bros. Hmm... not as threatening as real Hammer Bros. though...

Mop it up had the idea of bringing zombie villagers back to life, but it would take a lot of work while also involving golden apples and potions... Hm... it would've been cool to build chipper van sized dwellings for them!

I came across a few wells. I asked Mop it up if there was anything special about them. There wasn't. Oh well.

The railway I rode quite a bit. It's great fun and is now extended to the desert! Great place to keep a boat as well to sail around the lake. Someday I'll do some night fishing here! If that's safe of course...

At one stage my rail journey was blocked by a pig. Get off the track! Another time there was a desert bunny in the mine cart and the cart just kept going back and forth a few blocks. It was pretty annoying and I couldn't get it out so I had to break the track to get rid of it. I repaired the track after.

At one point the game froze on me :( the screen just froze while riding the railway and the sound just buzzed. I was hosting the world so Mop it up was kicked off too... Aw... The good news was there wasn't much progress lost. Thank goodness for autosaving! I joked maybe it was Shiva from Final Fantasy that froze the game! We were back up and running in no time.

Mop it up found a zombie spawner and destroyed it. I miss so much by not exploring caves and such!

Mop it up was often away at night, so I set up a fishing hole. Thing is, I didn't want to ruin the stone floor in our house again, so I... placed one block of water in the floor of Chris' bedroom... (sorry). I fished out something incredible though. It was an enchanted book with the following attributes:

Respiration III
Power IV
Sharpness IV
Protection IV

Sounds really valuable, so I placed it in the chest in the corner of the enchanting room.

Mop it up came along and saw my single block fishing hole, and turned the whole room into one big fishing pond! Chris' bed was moved to the corner (sorry again Chris).

Soon afterwards, I went boating to the north and filled out a bit more of my map. Catastrophe happened when my wolf teleported into my boat and killed me! No! I was all the way at the north end of the map too! I spawned back at our base. I frantically took some food, made more boats and rode the rail back to the lake, sailed northward to my point of death... but it was too late. All my carried equipment had despawned :(

It was tragic, but at this point I was able to replenish all the stuff I had lost. We had a good supply of stuff so I made armour, a map and whatever else in order to get up and running again. It didn't take too long. I had to take two railway carts back home again though. But yeah, when a Wolf teleports into your boat, the game takes it as fall damage. It happens to kurtjmac quite a bit with his wolf Wolfie and even made him lose a Mindcrack UHC match. I met Mop it up all the way north as well. We were just too late.

Mop it up found more railway track and diamonds. Yay :)

When it rains while riding the railway, it sometimes alternates between raining and not raining. The railway Mop it up built goes through forests and the desert so it's fun to see. :)

I saw one of the caves Mop it up explored while I was filling the centre west part of my map. I knew it was Mop it up because there were Jack O Lanterns lighting up the place. They give off more light than regular torches, which sounds kinda nonsensical, but no worries.

Before we called it a session, we just fixed a bit of creeper blast damage that happened in the front yard.

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