Monday 3 October 2016


Dear Readers,

The Chancellor trusted that I wouldn't let the King down as he cared a lot about Kiefer.

The gaurds hoped Kiefer wouldn't end up as a bear's breakfast and said that the ring he took had a rare gem called the Sunstone set in it... Hmm... maybe it's for that door in the Shrine of Mysteries.

Downstairs, the guard said Kiefer was either in his room or gone out. I went into his room and met the maid working there. She said he was about to turn eighteen and that his room was getting smellier by the day. Ah... so that's how old he is...

The lady by the stairs said the beloved queen passed away ten years ago and that poor King Donald was still on his own. She wished he would notice her!

I went up the staircase in the northwest. hoo boy... this castle's becoming maze like... I met a guy up here who said he thought he noticed something glimmering way out on the horizon to the north. Hmm... interesting. The lady towards the south said she noticed Kiefer rummaging throughout the castle too. The guard here said he felt bad to be getting paid to stand guard in a kingdom that was so peaceful. Another red hat guy nearby was glad the kingdom was so peaceful. I noticed a horned hat guy facing the wall below and a staircase... seems strange. I'll have to keep them in mind... The harp bearer further up the steps wondered what inspired the monsters in fairy tales but was more worried about the real life bears in the hills. Up further and on the top of the roof was a guard who saw the ship my dad sailed out on this morning. He was very impressed by it!

In the turret to the left, there was a scholar who told me about the ruins, the Forbidden Place. He said they were a complex of ruins for an ancient royal clan. He asked me to steer clear and I said Yes. He said it wouldn't be good to disturb the departed.

In the turret to the right, there was a guard who had found an old map in the storerooms and that it has loads of islands on it! He said whoever drew it must've had quite an imagination. Gettin' closer to the truth :) Downstairs from here, there was a guard standing by a locked gate and said it was off-limits. Hmm... must keep this place in mind...

I went down the stairs in the northeast corner of the roof. The guard here said it was the King's bedchamber and that Princess Lisette was inside. But... Donald Sutherland doesn't have a daughter named Lisette :(

Princess Lisette was out on the northern balcony and on speaking to her, I immediately realised why she was named so. She has this adorable lisp where she says "th" instead of "s" sounds!(just like Drackies!) I had to read her dialogue out loud and it was so charming! She talked about me being "thummoned" by her father and about her "thilly" brother. Oh man! She's so cute! Can we bring her along on the adventure instead of Maribel? Please? She's dressed nice too, wearing a cone shaped hat with a little drape coming down from the top. Freaking adorable! She's another one who believes there's more to the world than just our island.

I went back downstairs and the tough talking guard said Kiefer was going to the east, but said to forget it as he would lose his job if he was caught passing information like that.

I was now allowed into the banqueting hall. The maids said how sad it was that the King never ate with the Prince and Princess because he was too busy. They also talked about Kiefer's bad table manners. In the kitchen I found Pilchard Pie and it played a special chime. Not sure why but it must be important somehow. The chefs talked about how Kiefer was bold but that they loved the little rascal. One of them took the fish bits from me and said a meal wasn't finished until the washing up was done.

I went down the staircase to the northwest and met and old man looking for his spectacles. I found them for him and he told me about an old good vs evil story. The good spirit won and that's why it's so peaceful today.

Ooo! I panned around the main staircase on the ground floor and spotted another staircase behind it going down. Down here there was a locked gate with four chests beyond it. I must remember this!

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