Sunday 2 October 2016


Dear Readers,

I went back to Chris' world with him and Mop it up. I kept my Toad skin and they were wearing Mario and Dr. Mario skins if I remember correctly.

When I joined it was close to nighttime. I hung around the base keep and looked around the surrounding areas. No mobs were spawning. Mop it up found an emerald. Chris had all the villagers locked up in their homes, so no one was visiting our keep.

The next day it rained. I decided to check out the desert mountain near the southwest corner of the map, which was nearby. It's pretty cool with some cliffside caves here and there. I wandered around the desert, while it rained everywhere else!

That night it was dark when I got back to base. A creeper blasted me, but it only blew a hole in the sand luckily and I didn't get killed. It was a stormy night. I stayed indoors. Mop it up and Chris could hear the thunder while deep underground.

Mop it up wondered if anyone found pumpkins yet. I decided to go look for some by exploring the woods in the western part of the map. Didn't find any this day.

That night I decided to do some fishing. There was a little pool by the base designed for farming sugar cane but I could sit on the wall above and fish in safety and comfort :) Mop it up came along and asked if I had any good catches this evening, which I did. :) Just then though, another creeper blast happened below, which was near the creeper that got me earlier. It's a bad old spot for it.

Mop it up joined me after a while, so we were the fishing team :) catching salmon and puffer fish.

The next day I went to look for pumpkins again. Couldn't find any, but I did find a swamp full of lilies! I got carried away collecting about fifty something lilies, whatever I'll use them for. It was dark before I knew it, so I rushed home. I barely outran a witch unharmed too! Yikes!

I unwound by doing some more night fishing. Chris came along this time. I failed to catch a fish while he was watching, missing my opportunity to impress him. He said he was more shocked to learn I could fish in that little pond he made. I'm still not sure how big a body of water has to be before you can fish in it...

Some time later I finally found pumpkins! There was a big cluster of them in the woods near the centre of the map. I harvested about fifteen of them and brought them back to our supplies at the base keep, still rushing to outrun the dark of night! I converted five of them into seeds after learning that I could do it from Mop it up.

At one point, Chris went to the top of the mountain in the southwest to place some torches. I could see him clearly from the base keep. He wanted to do some daredevil thing by jumping down into some water. What he really wanted to do was make himself a mountaintop lair. That mountain's cliffside caves would be good for it alright!

I decided to look for chickens. I grabbed some grass seeds and spotted one swimming in the stream near our base. Chickens don't move very well in water so I was there for a while trying to get it to come out. Just then though, Chris killed it! Gah! He made up for it though... by giving me cooked chicken...

Chris: There you go. Your chicken.
Rocket: XD dang it chris
Rocket: cooked and all lol
Chris: I'm sure it tastes delicious.
Rocket: I was gonna keep it in the front yard or something so we could have eggs
Chris: There will be other chickens.
Rocket: I'll look for another one
Rocket: yeah plenty of chickens in the sea

Soon afterwards I literally found another two chickens swimming in the sea. What are the odds? I spent another two days trying to coax them out. Soon, I found another chicken and bred others, so by the time we finished up for the night, we had four chickens in the front yard. Lots of eggs coming in now :)

Mop it up made a scary portal. Also, the fishing pond was expanded! Yay! Though I forget who expanded it. I kept myself crouched to stop falling off the wall into the pond. I heard a baby zombie down there so I had to be careful. Mop it up killed it. I fished out a nametag and tripwire hook.

I fished out a regular fish too but Chris got in the way and he collected it! The next day he returned it though and whacked me in the head, like it was Monty Python or something!

Mop it up made an enchantment table. Some bookcases were collected too. Chris joked how they were full of porn.

Soon, Mop it up decided to check out the scary portal. It wasn't a safe trip... Deaths happened from fighting ghasts and withering away. Mop it up said there wasn't any cover in there and that it was wide open with not much cover.

I guess that leaves a goal for the next session in Chris' world.

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