Sunday 23 October 2016


Dear Readers,

With all the fuss of debates lately, Mop it up and I decided to head back to my world and settle once and for all which was better: Fishing or spelunking?

The answer was farming! Mop it up found a potato last time and I took it upon myself to save the species, as it was thought to be extinct in this world. I turned some bones into meal and used it to plant loads of potatoes in my garden. I planted them in the line where I previously tried to grow pumpkins. The potato crop was now saved! Hooray!

I wanted to check out the zombie spawner Mop it up found last time. I read that zombies not only drop potatoes, but also carrots, so I thought I could save the carrot from extinction too! Plus, I was thinking maybe I could use it to make a night vision potion sometime. We'll see.

Mop it up took me to the zombie spawner and I went to work. I placed a few blocks around the area for protection and knocked out the jack o lantern lights around it to make zombies spawn. It took a while for us to find it, so we made note of the co-ordinates X: -70, Y: 49, Z: 342.

I gained 3 experience levels to level 22 before I decided to turn back, as I had run out of swords from fighting so many zombies. In the meantime, Mop it up continued spelunking and found more emeralds and diamonds. The prospect of spawning and de-zombifying villagers is kind of exciting and I'm thinking of doing that in this world someday. In the Mario texture pack, regular zombies are green Hammer Bros. and zombie villagers are blue, like Boomerang Bros.

On the way back, I defeated my first enderman aka Shy Guy on stilts in this texture pack. It didn't drop anything though unfortunately, just experience.

I got a bit lost trying to find the cave again. Mop it up found 9 emeralds and 13 diamonds. Pretty sweet! In an attempt to try and remember the entrance to the cave while looking at the map, I said it was near the rightmost armour unit, or green shell as it appears in this texture pack. I also got pretty lost trying to find the spawner again but I found it eventually.

After defeating many zombies, I finally obtained a carrot dropped by one of them! Yay! The carrots in this texture pack look like carrots, but like potatoes and other Mario items they have the eyes as well. By the time I covered the spawner back up in jack o lanterns, I was now level 26. I headed back home to plant the carrot.

I cleared the middle line in my garden of wheat and dedicated it to planting carrots. Just one line for my wheat farm now. Carrots don't replenish as many food units, but they'll be handy for something. Potatoes and carrots are now saved from extinction! Hooray! :)

Mop it up brought back loads of iron and very kindly enchanted a helmet with respiration for me, but also gave me the sad news that there was no underwater temple in this world. Aw :(

Excited to try out the helmet, I took the minecart to the lake and went swimming but then the game froze. Gah! I guess it didn't want me to go swimming right then and there. Luckily, the last save wasn't too far back. Mop it up was still back in the jungle though.

The jungle expedition was really successful. Mop it up found another zombie spawner there and it was even closer to the surface and by the beach. Hooray! :) Going there from now on!

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