Monday 3 August 2020

33 ace attorney 6 - examining the backstage

Dear Readers,

After taking fingerprints from the coffin, something bothered me. It was Mr. Reus' position of his fingerprints. It looked like he was facing backwards. I also wondered why the stab was in his back. Ema said he could've twisted and turned as this was happening, or at least that's what the prosecutor said anyway.

After showing my lady-killer eyes, as Athena put it, Ema allowed us to examine the backstage but not to move anything. She opened the backstage curtain.

There was another coffin here that looked like it had a dragon stuffed inside, but it was just painted on the front. There was a path to the understage, but the door was locked. Trucy called it the abyss and I said this was a swing and abyss, which is really clever!

Other interesting included the winches, the disused fire bucket and not so interesting was the ladder to the catwalk. I was terrified of going up there but we had to anyway.

The Mr Hat puppet was up here and it looked like his cape was slashed with a blade or something.

Two pulleys up here. The smaller one was attached to Mr Hat and the larger one must've been for the dragon.

We took a closer look at the cushions that absorb the impact of things being raised up. Athena saw that I was trembling so much she offered to hold my hand.

That's all we could examine for now. Ema said we would have to get a magician to let us check the understage passage.

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