Sunday 16 August 2020

46 ace attorney 6 - the secret of the teleportation trick

Dear Readers,

How did Bonny know that Trucy moved the stage lifts? I was now able to raise an objection. I was also able to assert that Bonny was understage to see Trucy move the lifts and that this made her a suspect! This made her umbrella turn inside out with the impact!

Nahyuta objected and said Bonnie could be seen in the TV footage and I myself was an eyewitness to this. I eventually made the assertion that Bonny was both onstage and understage at the same time, even though it made no sense.

The judge asked me to explain and I had three choices:

  • She teleported
  • There were two Bonnys
  • The Bonny onstage was a fake
I wasn't really expecting this path so I wasn't sure which choice to make but I connected something. I chose the second one, there were two Bonny's. As expected, people thought I had a screw loose. I was asked to prove the existence of a second Bonny and I used the fingerprint results with a "Take That!"

I argued that the unknown fingerprints, of which not even Nahyuta had any awareness, belonged to this second Bonny that we had right here in front of us. He actually lost his cool with his beads and thumped his table, saying enough of this foolishness! He couldn't fathom how this was the case with the fingerprints.

Bonny was confronted with this and admitted that the prints were hers. There was lots of shocked chatter. She revealed herself to be not Bonny, but Betty! She then followed up with a dramatic magic trick where the lights went off and there were now TWO of them! Bonny and Betty! That's how they did the teleportation trick! Bonny was the nice one we met in the dressing room and Betty was the one we heard understage with Retinz.

Bonny and Betty de Famme. Whew! Another dramatic twin thing for the series!

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