Wednesday 12 August 2020

42 ace attorney 6 - ema's difficult position

Dear Readers,

Ema was called to the stand. She was eating Snackoos! Also looking very glum... The judge gave out to her and said the courtroom was no place for gorging oneself. She was stressed about something.

She said for the record that she believed Trucy was innocent. Nahyuta said she was misguided and she would get divine punishment from the Holy Mother.

Ema stress-ate again... Wow... I've never seen her eat and and look so sad and stressed... they really captured her emotional state here. It was less apparent in Ace Attorney 4.

Ema showed a poster of the Gramaryes. It was the same as the one in Trucy's dressing room, but it had the word "CANCELED" under Mr. Reus. He also had a scar on his right arm, which made Magnifi decide that he was too unskilled. Mr Reus tried to go on stage anyway, which made Magnifi oust him entirely.

Nahyuta said the Gramaryes were extreme and that Trucy had a putrid talent for criminality. This made the courtroom silent and the judge say that Nahyuta was a bit extreme himself.

Ema went on to say that Mr. Reus vowed revenge on the troupe someday. She was hesitant, but continued.

She said Mr Reus' plan for revenge was to steal Trucy's notebook and reveal the tricks of the Gramaryes. Nahyuta said this forced the defendant to kill the victim and make it look like an accident.

I immediately objected to this! I knew this wasn't the case! Nahyuta objected back and brought up Bonny's statement to the police. It didn't look good and Nahyuta, with a butterfly on his hand, told me to let it go and move on, saying I'd be a stink bug, at best, in my next life.

Insulting jerk! Time to cross-examine!

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