Thursday 20 August 2020

50 ace attorney 6 - the camera trick

Dear Readers,

At the well-needed recess, Trucy mentioned her dislike for Nahyuta with his "Let it go, and move on" saying. I don't like him either! Although to be fair, he didn't know all the facts, even with his mumbo jumbo nonsense.

Retinz came up to us with his camera and told Trucy to smile, asking us about our next evil scheme. Athena got really mad at him and brought up the fact that filming was prohibited and threatened to get the bailiff. All of a sudden, the camera was gone, like some kind of... magic trick? He said he called in "Trucy's fans" from online to get some footage.

Trucy noticed the camera disappearing and told me he had some serious magic skills. Huh. Even with his disdain for magicians he's a talented one himself? Something's going on...

Bonny then came up to us. She wanted to tell me something that was bothering her, but then Betty showed up and shushed her before taking her away, whatever it was.

Trucy seemed worried about testifying, but I said with my special ability that she'll be FINE! She perked up and felt more ready.

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