Monday 31 August 2020

61 ace attorney 6 - i learn something about my back

Dear Readers,

When I came to, Ahlbi was calling my name. It was in some kind of room with an altar, furniture and a TV. I asked him where we were and he said it was the high priest's house at the foot of the Plaza of Devotion.

Ahlbi told me something terrible happened with Maya and asked me to follow him back. She had been arrested! No!!! Not again!

We rushed to the plaza to where Maya was being arrested by the police. She said she swore she didn't kill him! Then, someone told the cops to back off of me. It was... Ema Skye!!!

She apologised to me sadly and said she and the cops were placing Maya under arrest. She told them to be respectful and they took her away, calling out my name as she was being taken by them.

Ema and I asked each other what we were doing here. I said it was a long story and hers was long too. I said we could get caught up later but I needed to know what happened now.

Ema said Maya was under arrest for the murder of the high priest. She told me his name, Tahrust Inmee and I can finally see the pun! "Trust in me!" Then I learned I had passed out for an entire day from my back pain! I resolved to take better care of it.

Ema said the murder took place in the Inner Sanctum after I passed out. Maya was the only suspect, as only she and the high priest were allowed up there for the ritual. The crime scene was discovered after Maya came down alone. She was the one who told the worshippers the high priest was dead and made a police statement to that effect.

Ahlbi asked if I was gonna defend Maya in that awful court again and I said of course.

I asked Ema what brought her here and she said she was working with a prosecutor from here, must've been Nahyuta, and he told her this was where she could see the latest techniques in international forensic science. She felt fooled by the look of this place, which looked like something from the past.

I said he must've taken a liking to her as it wasn't everyday a prosecutor takes a detective with them overseas. She said he was kind and always had a smile, but it was hard to see what he was really thinking. She said he was assigned to this case.

It was indeed Nahyuta and I knew he handled Trucy's case. Ahlbi was taken aback and said he was highly revered in this country.

Ema said she'd help where she could, but Nahyuta was pretty strict. She gave me the autopsy report for starters. The murder weapon was believed to be Lady Kee'ra's Warbaa'd Dagger, which was a pretty funny name. It was also yet to be found.

The crime scene was off limits to the public, but I begged Ema to let me up there to have a look. She said to leave it up to her and to be careful. She really didn't want to go up there again herself. I asked if it was really that bad and I wondered if I'd be okay with my back. Ahlbi said I was really lucky. He wasn't willing to go himself, as he thought he'd be cursed for being a commoner in a holy place. Just me on my own then...

I looked at all the praying devotees still here. By tradition, they were to stay here for another day. Acolyte Zeh'lot in particular seemed to stay put, even though his teacher had been murdered.

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