Sunday 30 August 2020

60 ace attorney 6 - meeting maya

Dear Readers,

The Plaza of Devotion was high up in the mountains and it was very cold. This was just the gateway and there were so many people here kneeling and praying. Ahlbi said this country was known as the Land of Prayer and they spent about fifteen hours a day in prayer. Yoiks...

A veiled lady with a deep voice approached. A dramatic anime scene followed where she lifted her hood and it was Maya! After the holy act she was the same old Maya again, calling me Nick! A new version of her theme played. Yay Maya! She did mature a bit on the outside but she was her old self still!

We chatted for a bit. She was standing in for the usual priestess who did the rite but she had a baby on the way, so she asked Maya to do it. After this, Maya'd be able to come home after studying here for such a long time! She told me who Lady Kee'ra was too. She was a bit like a superhero or something. Crowds were drawing today because it's been said there were sightings of her lately, capturing members of the Defiant Dragons. Ahlbi said she would eventually get the revolutionary Dhurke too.

Maya showed me a photo of Lady Kee'ra in the paper too! I told her she should maybe cut back on the super hero shows and she said I lost my edge, telling me my spikes were dull and drooping! Yeesh!

I jokingly told Maya to give the jig up and she went along with it, saying she really was Lady Kee'ra, here to give me punishment! Ahlbi was completely taken in! She was just kidding though, of course!

The high priest was coming, so it was time for her to go. Ahlbi said she was always so bright and cheerful and I was happy to see she hadn't changed.

Ahlbi pointed out Acolyte Zeh'lot (heh, zealot) and mentioned the high priest's name too, Abbot Inmee. I don't get the pun behind his name, not yet anyway.

Ahlbi said it was time to pray so I got into position and hurt myself. I asked him how long did we have to stay like this and he said until the day after tomorrow! When I heard this I passed out!

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