Saturday 29 August 2020

59 ace attorney 6 - getting ready to see maya

Dear Readers,

The day after the win in court, it was time for Trucy's show at the Penrose Theater. I was now the assistant in the coffin! Trucy gave the instruction to Mr. Hat and the show played out to my screams, objections and Trucy's great success!

That was episode 2! Now for episode 3!

An anime scene played out with a prison break, followed by a shift to two guys in an alley talking about someone's return. Then this masked figure showed up with a blade and the camera shifted to the moon while the guys' screams rang out into the night...

It was back to the Kingdom of Khura'in and I was now Phoenix again! At Tehm'pul Temple with Ahlbi Ur'gaid! I was here now two weeks and all was peaceful, though it was a rough start with that trial.

I was staying at the temple and I was ready to finally see Maya, but she had one important rite she had to do. Ahlbi said she was playing the role of Lady Kee'ra. I asked who that was and he was about to tell a big long story, so I said I'd read up on it. He gave me a guidebook in English that happened to be Maya's. I said I'd have a look through it. On reading it, it seemed like a big dramatic ceremonial bath or something.

I wondered if Maya matured since I last saw her. We went to the Plaza of Devotion where the rite was to take place.

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