Saturday 8 August 2020

38 ace attorney 6 - investigating the understage

Dear Readers,

Athena and I went down to the understage, now that it was unlocked. A rat scurried along the floor. Yikes! Athena called it a fearsome beast with long, sharp fangs, ready to prey on unsuspecting souls haha.

I couldn't examine the rat, as it was too fast and it examined something else whenever it stopped. The most interesting thing was the writing on the wall, which was written by someone who vowed to make it big someday. Athena implied it was me but it wasn't, OKAY!

I climbed the ladders as Athena was wearing a skirt. One of them lead to the blinding stage lights, the other lead to darkness, supposedly inside the coffin backstage with the dragon picture on it.

We found the rubber sword, one of the swappables.

The stage lifts were really heavy. Even Athena struggled with them. How did Trucy manage to push them?

Just then we heard voices and hid. It was Bonny and the Ratings Rajah. She said it was so much work pretending to be cute and sweet. Athena found something off in their voices and that's why we hid.

Bonny showed her true colours. She sounded a lot more threatening now and said she wanted Trucy's head on a platter. Retinz was all simpy but I don't know if that was an act or not. Probably was. They left shortly afterward.

With this witnessed, Athena and I went to the Take-2 TV studio to investigate further.

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