Monday 17 August 2020

47 ace attorney 6 - finding where to use the dusty bucket

Dear Readers,

With the twins Bonny and Betty revealed, the judge said this changes the facts of the case rather dramatically. Bonny couldn't have committed the crime, as she was onstage, but Betty could've, as she was understage.

Nahyuta clutched at his beads. Betty said she didn't kill Mr Reus and I asked her to testify as to what she was doing in the understage. Nahyuta quietly said to Betty that she lied to a humble servant of the Holy Mother. He said he was going to give her a taste of her punishment in interrogation hell.

Betty testified that she was there to prepare for the fire trick that Mr. Reus was going to do.

It's cute and funny the way Betty gets mad at Bonny and nudges her, though maybe not so good.

Found a language mistake! Though it could be seen as not being one. Betty says "Just be nice and quite like a good little bunny, got it?" to Bonny, telling her she should've kept her mouth shut. With context it ought to be "quiet" not "quite", though quite still kinda fits this sentence. So it's a mistake but... not really?

I knew that the fire bucket or the script had to be brought up somewhere, but I didn't know exactly where. I ended up having to consult Athena, so she brought up the statement I was able to use the fire bucket on. It was the one where she said she had to make sure they were prepared for the very dangerous trick. After consulting, I reloaded my save haha.

I raised an "Objection!" with the fire bucket on this statement and the music stopped. I asserted that she didn't even attempt to prepare for the act and she and Bonny were both blown away with their umbrellas. They were reluctant to explain so I offered one instead. I had three choices and chose that she "Knew the show wouldn't go on", which was true, she did!

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