Wednesday 19 August 2020

49 ace attorney 6 - more signature shenanigans

Dear Readers,

Bonny and Betty revealed the prank and showed the court the script of the whole prank event that Retinz came up with. They didn't expect Mr. Reus to actually show up dead though. 

Amusingly they had a bunny and a bat pop out from under their hats now.

That left the court with asking who killed the victim and when. The twins then revealed a vlog made by Mr. Reus about the prank he was just about to make.

It looked like Betty was going to be excluded from the suspects and since the vlog was made backstage, it led to to Nahyuta asking Trucy if she knew about the prank beforehand. She insisted she didn't, which made him thump his desk and present another piece of evidence...

It was a note giving instructions signed by Trucy, which seemed to prove that she knew about the prank. She was confronted with this and said she never signed it. She didn't know what was going on but she insisted she never signed it and didn't kill Mr. Reus.

A huge silence came over the courtroom. Even over the defence! Come on! We know there's foul play with signatures going on because of the tricky clipboard! The scene played out with the gallery calling Trucy all kinds of horrible things. All these dramatics... and stupid Nahyuta having an influence over people just like that.

I raised an objection, making another dramatic turnabout. this wasn't time for the clipboard so I had to do something different. I had to bring up the sword in the stand to establish the swapping of the rubber and real swords.

Nahyuta objected and brought up the blood on the coffin hole. I said maybe someone tampered with it and put the blood there after. The judge said further discussion was needed and called for a 15 minute recess. Whew. I feel like a courtroom typist or something.

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