Monday 10 August 2020

40 ace attorney 6 - repossessed!

Dear Readers,

When Athena and I returned to the office, we found big red REPOSSESSED stickers all over everything! Retinz showed up and started flashing his money fan around. He was enforcing Trucy's contract and we couldn't use the clipboard to prove anything. The sleazeball filmed our reactions as well.

Then he switched on the TV, showing that this whole event was being televised! His awful TV "news" made us out to be the villains!

He said the whole country was against us and we had to be out of the office by tomorrow. Then he left.

Then someone threw something through the window, yelling that they didn't want murderers here. Athena ran to the window to yell back at them and the ran away, fearing they would get killed too.

Just then, Phoenix rang! He got my messages and asked about Trucy. We both took a deep breath and I explained the whole thing.

He said we had to handle the whole thing while he was still away as he couldn't make it in time. He said the contract only addresses the liability, so all we had to do was prove tomorrow that it wasn't her fault. He said that the fate of Trucy and of our office was riding on my shoulders.

He then gave me words of encouragement, saying that after watching me grow these past two years he was able to now say, with absolute confidence, that I'd be fine. He said he believed in me and wished me good luck tomorrow.

An anime cutscene followed, with the new prosecutor sitting at a tree being approached by Ema, telling him that I'm the attorney handling the defence. He murmured my name to himself and that was it.

Next day, the trial!

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